How Can Video Marketing Help My Ecommerce Business?

If you’re wondering How Can Video Marketing Help My Ecommerce Business grow, then this is the article for you. The ecommerce industry has grown quite rapidly in the past several years with very extensive growth coming on just since 2020 when Coronavirus caused widespread closures of major stores and businesses.

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With more and more brands shifting to ecommerce, and more consumers recognizing the value in purchasing the products and services they love online, there’s certainly no question as to the growth of ecommerce, but as an ecommerce business owner, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your business. Perhaps you’re wondering, “How Can Video Marketing Help My Ecommerce Business grow?”

This is a question we frequently address at Beverly Boy Productions. The truth is, video marketing can help you grow your ecommerce business in a number of ways. From driving traffic to your website, increasing conversions, and generating more sales, video marketing is there for the win! If you’re not sure how you can use video marketing to your ecommerce business advantage, checkout this list of ways that video helps ecommerce businesses just like yours to grow.

  1. Increase Website Traffic to Your Shop

If you’re running an online store and you’ve been paying for costly ads to drive traffic to your brand, you might be surprised to find out that video marketing can help you generate more traffic without paying for it!

In fact, Google openly admits to ranking websites that include video higher in the SERPs and they have mentioned that video is here to stay. Video marketing helps to increase traffic, organically, by increasing your search engine rankings for the keywords and concepts you target.

  1. Increase Consumer Focus on your Brand

Are you having trouble keeping consumers around on your website? Are you finding that many of your visitors seem to leave the site quickly and without making a purchase? If you’re wondering, “How Can Video Marketing Help My Ecommerce Business,” you’ll be happy to hear that videos keep consumers on your site longer.

Not only that, but consumers recall up to 95% of what they see in a video compared to just 10% of what they read. Sharing important product information by video is bound to not only increase engagement from your consumers, but to increase your sales too!

  1. Video Increases Conversions

You want  to bring more consumers to your ecommerce site, but you need more than just traffic, you need conversions and sales! Video has been found to increase conversions by at least 20% for ecommerce businesses on product pages and as much as 70% overall.

Whether you’re using product demonstration videos on your product pages, customer testimonial videos throughout your website and in email campaigns, or you’re approaching the use of video marketing in a variety of other ways – you can expect video to increase the conversion rate for your ecommerce brand. In fact, customers state they are 70% more likely to purchase a product or service after they see a branded video for the item.

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  1. Videos Improve Credibility and Trust

Want to know how video marketing can help your ecommerce business the most? Consider the use of video testimonials and your own branded videos to communicate with your customers. The use of video to build credibility for your ecommerce store is very important. Not only do videos personalize your brand so that consumers feel more comfortable making a purchase from you, but they are also ideal for showing off your corporate mission, values, and culture. All of this will help your consumers to feel more connected to your brand personally which will increase the likelihood of them staying committed to your brand and purchasing from you on a regular basis.

Additionally, the use of testimonial videos can increase product sales exponentially. Consumers are more likely to purchase when they see that others have purchased from you and had satisfactory results. In fact, video is one of the best ways to assure your customers that your ecommerce store is legit.

  1. Videos Increase Brand Awareness Online & Offline

Still wondering, “How Can Video Marketing Help My Ecommerce Business?” Consider the fact that videos can be used to increase brand awareness for your ecommerce store. Not only does video marketing build awareness through education, support, and testimonials, but through video you can actually share with your audience how your products solve their problems and provide true value.

Consider the use of both paid advertising that includes videos on social media and various other platforms as well as the use of video in your email marketing campaigns, on your website, and even in offline locations that might be suitable to your brand such as in doctor’s offices, on television, or in various other displays that might reach your ideal audience. The more your audience sees your brand and connects with the various forms of offers, product details, and corporate stories that you deliver, the more they are going to trust in your ecommerce brand and be likely to purchase.

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