5 Reasons to Invest in Live Music Streaming for Your Band

As the world shifts and things change, more and more bands are seeking ways to utilize their time and continue to engage their once interactive fans, even if it’s remotely from afar. Live music streaming offers new opportunities for entertainers and bands to perform online, generate revenue and keep audiences engaged. These are just a few of the reasons to invest in live music streaming for your band to keep your audience involved despite COVID-19 and social distancing standards.

Virtual Music Festival

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#1. Perform Online for Fans

Fans are looking for new ways to engage with the performer’s they love. Live music streaming is a way that you can perform online for your fans and provide a little bit of engagement in an otherwise disengaged world.

Consider live streaming your concert series for fans worldwide so that those who may be overseas and otherwise unable to attend an actual show can still participate in your big event — who knows, you might even find your audience is bigger than you thought!

quarantine livestream

#2. Generate Revenue for your Band

Maximizing your income is probably something you’re really thinking a lot about with so many changes having taken place in the past 8 months.

If you’re new to live music streaming, you may not realize that you can generate revenue for your band with livestream concert series and other forms of live video production.

In fact, generating revenue from live music streaming is actually pretty simple. Whether you host concerts directly to consumers or directly to venues, there are ways to monetize and generate revenue for your band.

Music Festival

#3. Recuperate Lost Revenues from Cancelled Tours

With tours cancelled indefinitely and the risk that even if you do go to tour fans will be sparse and limited in scope, many bands are looking to invest in live music streaming to advance their revenues and recuperate lost monies from cancelled tours.

Shows available online allow you to charge a small, nominal fee for your show from fans — but you have the power to invite fans worldwide.

Unlike an in-person event that would have limited setting, with the right bandwidth preparations, you can invite unlimited paying guests to your stream.

Live Streaming Festival

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#4. Engage Audiences

Live music streaming doesn’t end with the music. After the show, engage audiences in a Q&A series or consider engaging your fans during the music event.

Allow fans to make requests, charge a VIP fee for music requests to be played, and find ways that you and your fans can engage and interact with one another.

Some live music streaming events have included dance offs, sing offs, and various other interactive sessions that fans have come to love.

Live Stream Music Festival

#5. Sell Merch

Merchandise sales are a great way to recuperate some of your lost revenues and incorporating merchandise sales into your live music streaming events is simple if you work with a professional video production crew.

They can incorporate a banner ad or other means of interactive merch sales into your live stream so that fans can purchase from within the show without missing any of the fun.

Consider merch giveaways to get fans interested in what you have to offer and watch the income from this live music streaming event soar. It’s well worth the investment for your band!