5 Considerations when Hiring a Video Services Company

The decision to hire a video services company that can produce corporate videos for your business comes with a whole list of potential considerations that you should make beforehand. You can’t just “Google” it and make a decision based on the first number that pops up. You need to have a structured approach to determining which video services company is best for your brand and the projects that you intend to have created. The video company will have to capture the essence of your brand.

Camera Crew with Camera

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Sharing Is Caring

Share it visually with the world in a way that will lead to conversions that you find worth the cost of the production. It’s not easy, but here are the top 5 considerations we believe you should make before hiring a video services company for your brand.

#1. Talent & Experience Are Key 

First and foremost, you want to make sure that you are hiring top talent. Anyone can hire a freelancer or a video services company that has little or no real background talent – but that’s not going to get the job done in a way that WOWs your audience.

When you consider each video services company on your list, make a note as to their talent and experience.

Review their professional projects, backgrounds, creative outlook and any other work that you can to help get a feel for what they can accomplish with you and your brand. Hiring a video creation company should give way to a pool of talent that can work on your video content for you.

Gauge Your Talent

If you’re not sure how to gauge talent, begin by discussing background and skills. View video content that was created in the past.

Talk about habits and likes and what it is that makes them love the work they do. This should give you some great insight into both their talents and their past experience. 

Gordon Garreau, Producer at Beverly Boy Productions

#2. Detail-Oriented Teams Are a Must 

As you continue to narrow down your list to hire a video services company that’s right for you or your brands, make sure that you’re only communicating with companies or teams that are detail oriented.

Do you notice small mistakes in their emails? Did you notice an error on their demo? Was there something on their website that stood out as wrong?

Details Matter

All of these fine details show the character of a business and if a team is not on-top of their own work for their own brand, what do you expect them to do for your brand? When you’re sorting through various options and trying to hire a video services company, details are everything.

It’s important to hire a company that is prepared to account for each tiny detail. The last thing you would want to do is hire a company that doesn’t care about details and overlooks a lot of important elements of your project. Now is the time to make sure that doesn’t happen. 

Video drop kits

#3. Feel Out the Emotions 

It’s not to say you need to become buddies with each video services company that you work with, just that you want to determine whether their emotions are “in-it.” Do they care about their work? Are they happy and satisfied with the projects that they’ve worked on in the past? Does it show? 

As you feel out the emotions, consider hiring the video services company that clearly has a team that cares about each other, and about you, your business and your project. That may be difficult to find, but it all starts with your initial phone call and the interactions that you have. 

Impacting Your Audience

Emotional input is a big part of the storytelling process. Likewise, being thoughtful and caring about your work is important as a video services company.

If your brand even has the underlying feeling that the video services company you’re considering won’t care about your project fully and deeply, you certainly should not consider hiring.

Camera Crew

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#4. Stay on Budget 

A video services company that is out of budget is – not for you! It’s important that you realize what kind of work your budget can afford before you go shopping around though.

For example, you need to have a rough estimate in your mind as to what your budget is and what kind of work you can expect to have completed at that cost.

Don’t shoot for the stars on a quarter machine budget – it’s not going to happen! Budget is vital. You should be able to get a good idea as to whether the video services company will work within your budget by talking to them briefly about your project.

Budget Options

If their ideas are far out of budget, and you don’t feel like you can work them down, it may be immediately time to start considering other options.

Hiring a video services company that is beyond your budget sets your project up for further problems and you’re most likely not going to get what you’re looking for out of the deal. 

BBP camera crew filming on location

#5. Gauge the Creativity & Make it Count 

Not every video services company will be creative. In fact, many of them will simply not have the creative backgrounds that you require to get your work done in a way that is ideal for your brand. As you review the different options on your list, make sure that you are gauging creativity closely.

While initially, creative influence should not be the deciding factor, it should be a major influence as you narrow down the options that you have to work with.

The best video creation company will be able to deliver a healthy mix of creation for your content, regardless of the budget, scope, timeframe or skills.

Tell Your Story

Keep in mind that video content is all about storytelling. You need to stimulate your audience in some way that makes them want to take action and buy your product, try your service, or otherwise engage with your brand.

It all starts with storytelling and the relationships that you build will grow from there. Ready to hire a video services company? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808. We can’t wait to help you with the next steps.