4 Elements of Emotionally Compelling Brand Videos

Have you been on Facebook lately where you can see those who have interacted on a page several times are suddenly labeled, “visual storyteller” or “digital storyteller?” Everyone is telling a story online these days. Why? Because stories deliver branded video content in a way that allows people and businesses alike to connect with their audience visually whether and on an emotional level. 

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Branded video content that tells your story is vital in today’s digital content world. Below are some tips to help you produce emotionally compelling branded video content for your business.

After all, it’s really all about connecting with the consumer on a deeply personal level and storytelling with an emotional touch is how this happens.

#1. Characters that We Relate With

The first step to producing compelling brand videos that touch the emotions of the viewer is to incorporate a character that we can relate to.

Characters must possess features that are candid and influential and which resonate with the audience that is watching the video content. A branded video that does not include a character is lost.

The same is true for branded video content that includes outdated characters or those that the audience has a difficult time connecting with or resonating with.

Think about what it is like if a male character delivers the branded content for an all women’s brand–not very emotionally compelling right?

#2. Compelling Message

Every story that compels viewers to actually take action is backed by a strong message. Whether your story gives a message of hope, considerations, strength, gratitude, triumph or some other key emotion.

The idea here is to use the characters of the story to deliver the message of the story in a way that your audience will connect and feel that there’s nothing else they really should consider but this connection.

Determining how much information you’ll need to give out in order for your message to be clear as well as various other specifics of the message delivered, will further help you to produce a great brand story.

Emotionally compelling brand videos deliver the core message through character, setting, conflict, plot and resolution that together make up the story.

#3. Visual Components

A great brand video requires visual components in order to deliver the story to the audience in a way that makes them feel compelled to continue watching.

Visually, an emotionally compelling branded video uses the subject and background or set to their advantage but also camera movements, camera angles, and lighting to make the story visually satisfying.

Every decision regarding how the camera moves, who moves it, where it moves, how it is angled and how the light plays into it all, will ultimately play a role in the final ability for the branded video to be emotionally compelling.

Emotionally compelling branded videos are certainly more work than just setting the camera up and rolling with zero planning or intention. You want the audience to FEEL the  emotions that you evoke from the film–you have to work hard to use the camera to deliver.

#4. Musical Components

The most emotionally compelling branded videos are backed by music that pulls out the emotions and compels the audience to take action. The music included in branded video content aligns with imagery to produce perception that is deeply connected to the viewer.

Great branded video content isn’t produced by someone who just says, “throw some music on” or “just play something at the end.” Musical components of the video content can make a difference between a video that turns heads and stops people in their tracks.

When it starts or causes them to keep scrolling and never look back, you’ve nailed it. With our next branded video content, consider these 4 elements of emotionally compelling braided videos.

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today to discuss emotionally compelling video content for your brand. We can’t wait to assist you.