4 Elements of Emotionally Compelling Brand Videos

4 Elements of Emotionally Compelling Brand Videos Have you been on Facebook lately where you can see those who have interacted on a page several times are suddenly labeled, “visual storyteller” or “digital storyteller?” Everyone is telling a story online these days. Why? Because stories deliver branded video content in a way that allows people […]

3 Uses of Color in Video Storytelling

3 Uses of Color in Video Storytelling Color theory is something we learn about in psychology or sometimes in cinema courses but most of us learn a few things about it and then move on, never to think much about it again. The theories and how influential colors are in our everyday decision making or […]

4 Steps to Reduce Anxiety In Front of the Camera

4 Steps to Reduce Anxiety In Front of the Camera Preparing yourself or your team for their time on camera may be anxiety causing in itself. If you or a team member that is soon to be on camera, feels anxious or otherwise nervous about the upcoming camera event, follow these steps to reduce anxiety […]

4 Ways to Use Internal Communications Videos to Inspire Employees

4 Ways to Use Internal Communications Videos to Inspire Employees When communicating face-to-face isn’t always an immediate option but the messages still need to be delivered, internal communications videos come into play to help businesses boost employee productivity and engage employees throughout day-to-day business operations. Technology makes internal communications possible in ways that were never […]

4 Steps to Top Quality Corporate Video Scripts

4 Steps to Writing Top Quality Corporate Video Scripts Knowing how to write a corporate video script can literally change whether a corporate video is watched and enjoyed by the audience, or ignored completely. While the process isn’t easy, writing a corporate video script certainly isn’t rare. Follow along as we show you how to […]