5 Benefits of a Business Video Content Library

The average business creates 18 videos for various marketing campaigns each month. After a year of video marketing, that leads to more than 215 total videos on average and, in fact, the average B2B company actually has more than 377 videos in total published already with direct plans to more than double their video content this year. That’s a lot of videos to keep organized–and the leading reason for businesses to consider hosting all of their work in a business video content library

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A business video library actually as several major benefits, especially when compared to the the alternative which is to have videos hosted all around. In fact, not only does a business video content library allow you to organize your videos in a single location, you’ll also appreciate the following added benefits that come from this organizational video platform.

 1. Full Control Over Video Access

They’re your videos, so of course you should maintain full control over them–right? As true as it is, many business owners don’t realize that they lose that right when they use YouTube or other similar hosts to keep their video content together and viewable to the world.

Stay in Control

However, a business video library allows you to maintain complete control over who can and cannot see or share your video content. You even control when videos can be accessed and have the right to control various other settings related to your video privacy.

2. Easy, Affordable, Seamless Sharing

Does your team interact with one another frequently and work on video content? Do you share videos back and forth with one another? If you’re doing this without a dedicated video content library, you’re likely paying extensive storage fees and server costs–and you don’t have to!

No More Combing!

A business video library allows you to collaborate with your team while storing all your video content in a single place. You’ll never have a team member request the latest version of video XYZ again, because the latest versions are kept up to date in your team-accessible library.

3. Dedicated & Structured Organization that Saves You Time

When was the last time you spent ten minutes, twenty minutes, or more looking for the latest version of a video from a marketing campaign that your team worked on last year or the year prior? You’re not alone! Business owners and working professionals often find themselves in that uncomfortable and incredibly inefficient journey of trying to find a video from months or even years back. All because they don’t have a dedicated video content library that efficiently organizes all of their videos in a single location. 

4. Easily Update Videos from a Single Location

Any business owner or marketer that has had to search all over the internet to make minimal updates to their video content knows the frustration. Say a video has been uploaded, shared, and posted all over the place and then needs to be updated with something minor, like a simple brand adjustment. The last thing you want to do is spend time hunting around for the video to manually remove the old file, update, and replace it with a new video.

It’s Simple

A business video library allows you to save all that time and effort–when something to your original video needs to be changed, you can simply make the change and the new file will automatically replace each of the previously shared files that are floating around on the web.

5. Powerful SEO Value

If all of the previously-mentioned benefits of a business video library aren’t enough to get you hooked, consider the SEO value that comes from producing a business video library. Hosting all of your videos in your own video content library allows you to easily embed video content directly onto your website.

Reap the Rewards

This means you reap all of the value that comes from the video in terms of SEO and authority NOT YouTube. You’ll have complete control over your video content, the coding, and the optimization that you incorporate into your title, description, and other fields associated with a powerfully optimized video.

Go Team Beverly Boy

Contact Beverly Boy

Want to learn more about the benefits of a business video library for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today at 888-462-7808 for more information!