Live Streaming Production in London

Live streaming production in London simplifies the interaction between you and viewers during your event. If you’ve never used live stream technology or don’t know how to use it effectively, you may be wondering how to go about it and how to pull off a successful project. We have compiled the common questions that have to do with live stream video production and how it can be beneficial for you.

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What is Live Streaming Production? How Does It Help?

Live streaming production in London is a relatively new tool. It’s a technology that helps you share video live or in real time, so that you can keep in contact with your audience online. Live streaming is also a technology often used on social media networks, and can even be used on a locked platform when you want to share content that is best to be shared under password protection. It depends on who you want to reach and how you want to reach them. Many live stream events can be embedded on social media channels.  

Here is our Live Stream Reel:

Many companies use live stream private events on their websites or on platforms which are password-protected. Public events can be streamed anywhere where it will be easy to reach your audience, whether on multiple websites or platforms. Where you share your event depends on the type of video content you want to produce in London, whether you’re located in Shoreditch or Notting Hill. 

Who Can See My Live Stream?

Going back to the first question of where to post live stream content and who will be watching your live streaming production in London, you have different options. You can either share your live stream content with the world or keep it private through password-protected sites that are only accessible by invite only, through the use of geo-blocked location services.

Can You Have High-Quality Live Stream Production?

The quality of live streaming production in London depends on who you work with and the various things you’ll need for a successful project. The quality you hope to have is important as you want your audience to feel like they’re actually at the event and not just looking at it on their device. You want it to be so top-quality that viewers feel immersed in the experience.

From the equipment to the lighting set-up, there are various details that make a live stream a quality experience for the audience you want to reach. If you have people going to the event, you also want to be careful on how the filming aspect affects the live experience. When you work with professionals, you have nothing to worry about. They’ll make sure that everyone watching the event, whether online or in person, will enjoy the experience through and through.


How Many Cameras Are Needed?

The amount of cameras required for your live stream production depends on the event you have in mind. What are your specific production needs? Multiple cameras can be necessary when you want different shots for views of both the live audience’s reaction and that of the event itself. When you work with an experienced director, you have nothing to worry about. They’ll know how to switch between shots and angles to pull off the most professional looking live stream. Even though it’s done in real time, your video can be as professional as you need to be with the best director in town. When you choose the best, you can save time and money on post-production work. Keep in mind that a professionally shot live stream can be recorded for on-demand purposes, as well.  

Can You Stream On Multiple Platforms?

Yes, you can use as many as needed and many professional companies can make this happen. Just make sure to speak with your production crew before the live stream so that all the right steps are taken for success. With careful preparation and planning, you can do a lot with live streaming.  

Interview Team Beverly Boy

Can We Include Graphics or Music?

From graphics to text, there are many options you can use for your live streaming production in London. You’ll simply want to discuss your vision in advance with your production crew so that you can share the information you want with your audience, whether it’s through graphics or key data. You can even use music that can be incorporated into the stream, as long as your crew knows that is what you want. Just be aware that a few platforms may not permit copyrighted music.

Crew Team Beverly Boy

What is On-Demand Streaming?

A lot of companies provide both live streaming production in London as well as on-demand video which allows the content to be seen later on, even if it was missed during the live stream, wherever it took place, from the London Eye to Tower Bridge. On-demand video can be seen even when the live event is over, and if needed, can be password protected, so you have the option of how you want to share it with your audience.

How Long Does Live Streaming Production Take to Set Up?

Live streaming production in London can take many hours to get ready before the event actually takes place. Sometimes production crews take around four hours to put things together so that from the camera systems to the IT aspect, everything is ready to work like clockwork when the live event is ready to be streamed. The success of the project typically lies in the pre-event preparation, where tests and setups of complex gear take place.

What Could Go Wrong?

“What could go wrong?” Not everyone asks this question but it’s an important one. More important is the question of “what do we do if something goes wrong?” as you want to consider what could come up in the live stream event before the event takes place. It’s hard to fix issues in real time so pre-event preparation is everything. What could go awry? A whole lot of things!

The good news is that when you work with professionals, you don’t have to worry about much. They’ll know how to handle the hard work, from start to finish.

Why Live Stream?

Live streamed events allow you to reach anyone you have in mind, whether they’re in Camden Town or Notting Hill. In fact, live stream production makes it possible to reach larger audiences than ever before, so if you’re thinking about live stream production in London, consider the statistics below:

  • Back when live streaming started becoming big, in 2016, the industry was valued at around $30B. It is said that it can increase to become a $70B industry in the next two years.
  • 81% more internet users viewed live stream content in 2016 than in 2015 and that number continues to grow every year.
  • 63% of those aged 18-34 years old enjoy the use of live streaming for watching videos regularly.
  • People 35-54 use and create their own live stream videos.
  • Live streaming video content is great for immediate user engagement, that is hard to do any other way.

If you don’t already use streaming video content on a regular basis, it could be time to get started! For help getting started with live streaming production in London, contact Beverly Boy Productions today! We would love to help you with your live stream production as soon as possible.