5 Reasons to Book Dallas Remote Shooting Kits

Dallas Remote shooting kits offer contactless video recording and exposure control for you to stay safe and yet effective while filming during COVID-19.

Just as a team would use a camera and lighting system in a studio for production, remote shooting kits allow for the production of top quality video footage with limited contact & zero face-to-face interaction. We also provide service in the whole northeastern Texas region including Plano, McKinney, Fort Worth, and Waco. Here are the top 5 reasons to book Dallas remote shooting kits.

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#1 Social distancing with Remote Video Kits

Social distancing has made production projects more challenging but you can be sure that we’re still here making it happen at Team Beverly Boy. Remote video kits offer a mix of lens, microphone, lighting, and live web streaming production in one simple-to-use package that is sanitized and ready to go.

Each virtual filming package is custom-designed to each clients’ needs and can include the top-notch gear you want, such as teleprompters, wireless camera equipment, additional lighting, and audio, or anything you may have in mind for production while allowing for a social-distanced production experience. In fact, our Dallas remote shooting kits are installed by our crew members who won’t be present in the room at the same time as the talent. 

#2 Hands-free production with Dallas Video Drop Kits.

Contactless video production offers a safe, hands-free production which helps to reduce the risks of COVID-19 transmission. There are many Dallas video drop kits available for all kinds of production needs, so you can be sure yours will have the capabilities and features for your specific vision.

When you decide to book a mobile shooting kit in Dallas, make sure to work with the supplier to discuss what kind of video drop kit solution would be best for you and your production goals. These rigs can be easy with something like a single camera system with basic remote features or as complex as a multi-lens camera system with wireless control, all the video production equipment you may need, and more. 

 Virtual Filming Package

#3 A Virtual Filming Package Meets Your Needs

Dallas remote shooting kits from Beverly Boy Productions have a lot of the same gear and equipment you’d find with a typical production project that includes an on-site camera crew. What differs here is the fact that you won’t have a full-on production crew on-site.

A virtual filming package includes easy-to-use production gear, as well as step-by-step shot coordination that happens remotely so that the filming of your footage for your viral video is both safe and effective. A virtual filming package includes a professional-grade camera positioned on a moving cart which includes lighting, audio gear, and a laptop for operation. You’ll get everything you may need to film footage without having the production crew in one space with the talent, so you can avoid having a situation that would otherwise increase Coronavirus risks.

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#4 Get Dallas Production Gear on Demand

Whether your project is in Dallas Downtown Historic District or Belmont Park, it’s simple to use Dallas remote shooting kits for your project needs. Beverly Boy Productions can assist you with your Dallas production gear on demand so you can film what you want to film.

Producing the best video with a sanitized production kit is easier than you would think. The moving cart and camera equipment is created with easy installation in place, so that you can have a camera, lighting, and audio which will all be positioned to be operated remotely, so you can avoid exposure to COVID-19. 

#5 Sanitized Production Kits for Your safety

Sanitized production kits allow people to remain safe and healthy in these uncertain times. We’ve seen how COVID-19 has poured on the challenges for the production industry around the world.

Contactless, Dallas remote shooting kits are an alternative that allows our team to provide the type of production support you need during this time. Sanitized production kits allow your production vision to happen, even if COVID-19 is still a worry during this time. Gear is clean and safe and remotely operated by our drop kit technician so that those in front of the camera have nothing to worry about, virus wise. 

To find out more about Dallas Remote Shooting Kits that simplify the production processes while also keeping in line with policies suggested by the CDC, get in touch with Beverly Boy Productions. Our contactless delivery of Dallas video drop kits is available now so that you can have a safe and reliable production experience.