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Benefits of Producing a Tactical Dog Training Video for Your Course

Teaching a dog to perform various tactical maneuvers can be particularly challenging and especially dangerous at first, especially to someone that’s untrained themselves. Producing a tactical dog training video for your course or program that provides skills training for those seeking to train animals in such a way is an important consideration that can have many major benefits. Whether you’re just getting started with the production of your training course, or you’ve had a course that’s been active for a while but which needs a boost, producing a tactical dog training video for your course is key to success!

Police Dog Training Video

Flexible Learning that Meets Unique Student Needs

As an officer or someone that’s interested in providing tactical training to a dog, flexibility is key. Students need to be able to learn about the different training requirements and skills on their time. As a course producer, your job is to create content that’s going to capture the interest of your audience and keep them engaged while offering the flexibility to accommodate their needs. With tactical dog training videos, you can offer flexible training that is readily available when your students are interested in learning. Anytime. Any place. 

Visible Training that Just Makes Sense

The use of video to provide tactical dog training is essential because video training just makes more sense than a manual or non-visual platform to learn from. A tactical dog training video can show exactly how the animal behavior should play out as well as how the human behavior should be. With manual or textbook style training, there’s no real easy way to visualize what is supposed to be happening. It could take several chapters to explain a single maneuver whereas with a video the maneuver could easily be explained, and visualized, in just 1-2 minutes. This is absolutely essential because video based training makes more sense.

Videos Engage the Viewer & Connect Emotionally

Producing a tactical dog training video has the power to provide content that your audience will engage with and feel emotionally connected to. Unlike written textbook style training, the use of videos to engage the audience can have incredible value. Videos connect emotionally with the viewer in a way that written content simply cannot achieve. The viewer can watch the behavior of the dog, the behavior of the trainer, and the interactions that are taking place. The emotional connection that an audience has with a training video can have huge impacts on their ability to follow along with the training and understand.

Police Dog Training Video

Videos Increase Understanding of Complex Concepts

Explaining a complex concept that relates to training a dog can be challenging. However, with the support of visuals and audible narration, the most complex concepts are easier to follow along with for an audience regardless of their existing understanding of the subject. Tactical dog training videos provide viewers with unique insight into the concepts of training, the unique factors involved, and the individually important concepts relative to each maneuver. With video, the audience can see what’s happening, and with the narration or voiceover, they can follow along.

Video is Easily Shared with Others

Producing a tactical dog training video for your course has the added benefit of being easily shared with others. This is a great benefit particularly if you are thinking about providing the training video to students in a course, to an audience in social media, or in some other manner. Encouraging your audience to share the video with others will allow for increased reach to a wide range of viewers making your course more likely to be recognized or picked up by others thus increasing your range of reach too.

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Videos Improve Information Retention

If you’re finding that students involved in your training courses are forgetting what they learn or struggling to recall information, video can help. With videos, you improve information retention by providing students with audible and visual insights that increase overall understanding. When compared to reading, video has a significantly higher rate of overall retention. People who read a training manual will recall about 20% of what they read. People who watch a training video will recall about 90% of what they see.

As a tactical dog trainer that’s interested in sharing what you know with a wider audience, producing a tactical dog training video that you can use to improve your course is an incredible idea. The use of video to provide training can improve course reach, increase viewer understanding, and generate a stronger viewer connection to your content. 

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in the production of top quality training videos that can be used for a variety of purposes. With more than two decades of experience, we’ve got the tools, experience, and crews that it takes to successfully produce training videos on a wide variety of topics. If you’re thinking about producing a tactical dog training video to accompany a course or program that you’re creating, give us a call. We’ll work with you to produce a top quality video that’s best for your needs!