What is Time Lapse Video Production?

Time lapse video production includes the unique planning, creative coordination of equipment and gear setup, filming, and post-production editing of a time-lapse video which depicts a scene or subject over a period of time that is condensed into mere seconds or minutes. Time-lapse videos are frequently used to render construction site evolution or building projects, traffic flows, environmental changes, or other events.

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Sometimes, filming an event that is extended over a period of several hours, weeks, months or even years is best captured using a process called time lapse video production.

This involves the placement of stationary video camera equipment which is set to capture images or clips at a specific interval over a pre-defined time period which will then be digitally sped up in order to produce a shortened rendition of the event.

Time lapse video production includes the unique planning, creative coordination of equipment and gear setup, filming, and post-production editing of a time lapse video which depicts a scene or subject over a specified period of time that is then condensed into mere seconds or minutes. 

When are Time Lapse Videos Used?

Time lapse videos are frequently used to render construction site evolution or building projects, traffic flows, environmental changes such as sunsets or sunrises, and other events.

You may have seen a time lapse video used in science, where the growth of flowers and capturing natural events taking place over several days or weeks draws interest.

In business, time lapse video production is used for everything from monitoring construction sites and development builds to expansion projects and highlighting specific events that have taken place over an extended period of time.

The use of time lapse video allows consumers to visualize changes of various types as they evolve over time. This interesting effect is great for use in just about any industry, from aircraft and flight industries showcasing a typical night at the airport to restaurants that showcase the evolution of a dinner service.

With the right music, the most appropriate speed, and the addition of any essential narration, a time lapse video can be used to tell your story, showcase intricate processes or projects, engage and entertain your audience, and inspire others to get engaged with your business.

Time Lapse Video Production Process

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 266

The time lapse video production process is quite different than what a typical production might look like. This is primarily because the process of collecting the footage that is later used to create the video is quite different from the typical point, shoot, and finalize process that is used for most videos.

Time lapse video production requires essential planning of the film, to determine how long the footage will be captured for, at what intervals, and from what angles.

A full-service production crew will work with you on the creative decisions that must be made prior to filming during the pre-production process. They’ll also determine appropriate equipment and camera placement in your desired location.

What happens during production

During production, time lapse footage is captured on location. The cameras are set up in various areas to capture the series of events over the desired period of time.

For example, if time-lapse video production is desired for a major construction project, cameras may be installed prior to ground breaking and the equipment is left on site until the project is complete.

Cameras are programmed to capture footage, at desired intervals and for a desired period of time – for example, a camera might film a few seconds, or capture a single still image, every hour or every 24 hours.

The intervals are largely determined by the total desired length of the final video, the total time of production (during which shots are taken), and the desired frames per second of video to be produced.

For example, calculating time lapse video for a finished video of 30 seconds in total length that shows 25 frames per second, would require 750 total frames. Thus, over the duration of the time-lapse project, there must be at least 750 frames captured.

Choosing the interval at which to shoot the time lapse footage is a very important part of the time-lapse video production process, and one that typically requires the support of a professional crew that understands this technology and the processes involved.

Post Production

Team Beverly Boy editing bay

Finally, once the footage has been captured over the desired duration, and at intervals that are chosen in advance of the project, the time lapse video production process progresses into the post-production editing stage.

This is where the magic happens! Time lapse videos come together in post-production, where the footage is sequenced with music and narration to tell your story. It’s an amazing process that can provide exemplary entertainment for your audience. 

Trust in Team Beverly Boy

To learn more about time lapse video production, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808.