What is Customer Testimonial Video Production?
Customer testimonial video production includes the professional filming and editing of customer testimonial videos, or case studies, which share real-life accounts of past client satisfaction with the products or services offered by a business such that the videos represent true accounts of customers advocating for the brand.
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Customer testimonial videos, also referred to as case studies, share real life accounts of customer satisfaction, generally in a testimonial-style recap, in which they advocate for the products or services provided by your brand.
Customer testimonial video production includes the professional filming and editing of customer testimonial videos, or case studies, in which past client satisfaction with the products or services represented by the business are the primary topics of the video.
When customers share their story for the camera, an incredible impact is made in the level of consumer trust and future understanding that is developed in regards to the brand.
What are Customer Testimonial Videos?
Customer testimonial videos are true recaps from real customers as to the past experiences that they wish to share in regards to a business or brand. Each customer testimonial is unique, and comes directly from the customer or client’s point of view.
This creates a sense of understanding among your audience, that the customer accounts of your business and the products or services provided, are genuinely representative of their own actual opinions.
We’ve all experienced a customer testimonial at some point in our lives, whether it’s a testimonial video, a written review, or word-of-mouth testimony from a close friend or relative. Customer testimonials influence and shape the way that others, including prospective or potential customers, feel about a brand.
The Effects of Testimonials
A good testimonial, can go an incredibly long way in helping the brand to convince more people to buy or otherwise commit to their products or services.
Likewise, a bad testimonial can have the exact opposite effect, resulting in a loss of interest in the business or even worse, causing a heightened disinterest in what the brand has to say.
Most of the time, when we talk about customer testimonial videos, they are produced by the business (with the help of a professional production company) with the support of actual past clients or customers that are willing to come forth and share their stories of the experience that they had in working with the business or brand.
However, there are situations when a customer testimonial video is actually produced by the customer, without the advance-knowledge of the business or brand, and based on a story that negatively addresses the business.
These types of user generated content may be found on social media or various other sites, but are rather rare in comparison to professional captured, honest customer testimonials that provide a flattering endorsement for the brand.
What is Customer Testimonial Video Production?
While there’s no script when it comes to producing a customer testimonial video, professional customer testimonial video production is important.
In fact, with the support of a professional production crew, like Team Beverly Boy, filming and editing customer stories and capturing true client accounts which represent their satisfaction and the successful experiences that they have had with your brand can be incredibly powerful.
Customer testimonial video production provides a one-way connection between your brand and the social proof prospective customers and clients need in order to move forward with a purchase or other similar conversion with your brand.
Customer testimonial videos create:
- Credibility
- Authority
- Integrity
- Trust
Why Hire a Professional Customer Testimonial Video Production Crew?
What’s so important about hiring a professional customer testimonial video production crew and how will it change the outcome for your business?
Professional film production, including the production of client or customer testimonial videos, requires advanced skills in cinematography, lighting, sound, and editing which all come together to provide the unique video results that not only connect your brand with prospective clients, but that will effectively empower your past customers to share your brand’s story of success with the world.
A professional will assist with:
- Defining and maintaining appropriate runtime of your customer testimonial video.
- Determining appropriate setting, style, and timeline for production of your video.
- Creating footage that will connect your customer’s testimony with visual representation of the story that they are sharing.
- Producing b-roll footage that can be incorporated with interview-style, customer testimony footage, for a complete customer testimonial that your audience can relate with.
- Sharing customer pain points and the solutions that your business provides.
Create with Team Beverly Boy
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Beverly Boy Productions helps you to identify the past customers or clients which are most likely to share real testimony of their satisfaction with your business on camera.
Upon assisting you with the process of defining and interviewing candidates that are most likely to offer engaging testimony that future customers can connect with in relation to your brand, we’ll work with you and them to capture highlights which showcase their unique pain points, and the solutions that were provided by your brand.
Throughout the customer testimonial video production process, we’ll treat your best customers and clients as if they were our own.
Through a variety of tasks, and steps, we’ll work with you and your customers to capture all of the important details required to produce a visually and audibly engaging story that offers a glimpse of the unique customer satisfaction experienced in conjunction with your brand.
Creating a customer testimonial is a fun, exciting process. Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about customer testimonial video production and the next steps to producing trust building, satisfaction sharing, business enhancing customer testimonial videos that will work amazing wonders for your brand.