How to Improve Lead Generation with a Video Case Study

Are you looking to improve lead generation with a video case study? A video case study plays an integral role in effective lead generation for many top businesses and brands, but is your business using video to boost leads? If you’re looking for ways to improve your lead generation tactics, you’re certainly not alone. Learning how to improve lead generation with a video case study is a task that many professionals, business owners, and even marketers still struggle with, but there’s no questions about whether or not video case studies have the potential to increase leads. The question for most business owners is – how?

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Video case studies can help you improve your lead generation in a number of different ways. Whether you’re using your case studies to generate more customers, to increase click through rates, or to boost up your sales, CRO should be the focus anytime you’re creating a video case study for your brand. A great case study video, or several amazing case studies can help you to compel prospects to move forward with becoming key customers for your brand.

Why are Case Studies Good for Lead Generation?

Case studies are great for lead generation for a number of reasons. Case studies act as client reviews, they come from someone that is very real, and who (hopefully) resembles your target audience very closely. Happy customers influence your prospective customers sharing key concepts and important details that are viable to anyone that could be considering your brand. It’s proven that 885 of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations from friends or family, so why not use case studies which are essentially just reviews, to promote those recommendations to your target audience?

Case studies are incredibly powerful when it comes to boosting up the conversion rate of leads that are spending time in the middle of your funnel. They’re considering whether or not they should move further down, but they’re lagging for some reason? Video case studies are the answer that these prospects need to convert.

So how do you improve lead generation with a video case study?

Consider the following:

Include a Video Case Study on Sales Landing Pages to Increase Leads

You can use a variety of organic or paid methods to attract viewers to your sales landing pages, but once you’ve got them there, using a video case study is a great way to convert those visitors into actual leads that you can sell to. Including a video case study on your sales landing pages where users can then watch a video that helps them to see the value in your product or service is a great way to boost conversions on your page. In fact, the inclusion of case study videos on your landing pages can impact sales by up to 86% depending on your CTA.

Include Personalized Video Case Studies in Email Outreach

You wouldn’t want to get too personal with your initial email outreach campaigns, but as your audience becomes more accustomed to the emails that you send it would make sense to start getting more personal with them. Sending personalized video case studies that reflect the key data that your audience needs to inform their decisions is a great way to boost the amount of lead generation that you can accomplish with your email campaigns.

Include Video Case Studies in Retargeting Ads on Social Media

Retargeting is a great opportunity for business owners to get their brands back in front of audiences that they have been in front of before and considering any marketer will tell you that you need to be in front of an audience at least 7 times before you make a sale, this is pretty important stuff. Lead generation with a video case study that you share in a retargeting ad on social media will show your audience that value in your brand and boost the likely outcome of a conversion.

Let Your Video Case Studies be Social Proof

As you’ve built your leads and you’re moving along with steps to ensure that each of your leads is nurtured, video case studies can become a key component of closing your sales deals. In fact, one way that you can improve your lead generation with a video case study is in allowing your case study video to act as social proof that your brand is appreciated by others, that you are not just some newfound company that nobody has ever heard of, and that there is true consumer trust behind your business. This is what will make other people across social media trust in your brand.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in helping business owners learn how to improve lead generation with a video case study project of their own. To learn more about this practice, or for help filming a video case study that will take your business to the next level, give our team a call.