4 Camera Setups to Consider for Your Interview Videos

Interview videos are commonly used on websites, in customer testimonials, on-brand landing pages, and throughout social media. When filming interview videos it is important to carefully select the camera set up so that you capture the interviewee in his or her best. Consider one of these 4 camera setups for your interview videos to get the most out of your next project.

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1. Standard Single Interview Setup

The standard single interview setup is what you would expect for the average corporate interview or documentary-style interview. Essentially the interviewee is seen looking towards the right or left of the camera and, following the rule of thirds, the setup provides a view of the interviewee as well as his or her background to the right or left.

The camera is placed to the immediate front and side of the interviewee to allow for this off-put view. The standard single interview will use one camera that captures the entire interview from a controlled environment.

Microphones are generally added to interviewee clothing and lighting provided to give the interviewee a polished appearance

2. Two-Person Interview Setup

The two-person interview can be set in several ways. Generally, the two-person interview involves two people, sitting side by side with one another, and talking to the interviewer behind the camera.

The two-person interview helps to establish a personal connection between interviewees. The goal of a two-person interview is to record, on camera, the personal interaction between the two interviewees in a way that can be further used to tell the story.

In a two-person interview, the camera is angled immediately in front of the two people. They may be told to peer into the camera, but generally are asked to look above or below the camera or to look at one another.

Providing proper instruction to the two interviewees beforehand will ensure they are comfortable with the filming and do not appear awkward or uneasy.

3. Man On the Street Style Interview Setup

The man on the street style interview involves capturing the interviewee in a way that appears similar to a news story. The interviewee is generally seen peering away from the camera, similar to the standard single interview setup.

The location of the interview becomes the backdrop for the camera. Most of the time, man on the street interviews are caught with the subject standing up and with limited lighting or microphones as they are a more “throw together,” spur of the moment style capture.

Man on the street style interviews may involve several interviewees or several interviewers. Generally, this type of interview involves several people answering questions. Later the footage is compiled into an edited event recap that includes the footage of each attendee or interviewee.

4. Audio Only Interviews

filming an interview

Sometimes the interviewee is not the focus of the camera and we just use the audio of the interview to share with the viewing audience. In these cases, we may shoot b-roll footage while the interviewee discusses or answers relative questions.

In this form of interview video the focus is on capturing relative footage that can be used while the interviewee speaks. The videographer often chooses to capture the footage after the interview this way they know what the interviewee talks about and have a better idea of what type of footage the editor may wish to pair with the interview.