How to Land Video Production Jobs in Tampa

The video production industry is highly competitive and extremely popular. Unfortunately, anytime there’s a lot of competition, there’s also a lot of struggle to get into the industry. Landing video production jobs in Tampa is something that some filmmakers spend months attempting to perfect. If you’re seeking a role on the cast or crew of Tampa Bay films and movies, you’re going to have to work hard.

Check out these tips and tricks to help you land your dream video production jobs in Tampa.

1. Apply Often

One of the most important steps to landing video production jobs in Tampa is to apply and to do so often. Keep applying for the various jobs and positions that come up so that you’re first on the list.

If you can apply for more than one position on a particular set or project, do it! Doing so will help your name to be seen more frequently and will show the producer or others in charge of hiring that you’re very interested. 

2. Share your Portfolio

You should have a flawless portfolio and you should be sharing it. Share it on your website, on your social media, and with each application that you submit.

Landing video production jobs in Tampa requires you to actively engage in sharing your portfolio with any and all people that are working in the film industry and willing to check it out.

You never know who will see something they like in the work that you’ve done!

3. Offer Services, For Free

Not always, and certainly not for the wrong reasons. But, offering your services for free is a great way to get your foot in the door in the Tampa film industry.

Landing video production jobs in Tampa almost requires you to work for free at some point in order to show off your skills and connect with those who need services that you can provide. 

4. Fix Up Your Resume

Fixing up your resume is important if you’re going to stand out against all the competition in Tampa.

Landing video production jobs in Tampa is largely about making your resume stand out, making your portfolio stand out and making yourself noticeable.

Think about hiring a professional to help you with your resume if you’re not an excellent and avid storyteller.

5. Network & Follow Up

You should be networking with the Tampa Film Commission and anyone that is part of the film commission so that you will always know what jobs and projects are coming up in the area.

Networking is a huge part of landing video production jobs in Tampa and should be a daily routine for you. You should also follow up with each and every job that you apply for.

Showing the producers and directors and others in charge that you are staying on top of the game is important and will help you land video production jobs in Tampa.