Tips for Shooting a Talking Heads Video Like an Expert

It doesn’t matter if you’re entirely new to the idea of shooting a talking heads video or you’ve produced dozens of interview videos over the years and you’re just looking for some added help to make things look great again, shooting like an expert isn’t ever going to be easy. As popular as Talking Heads Video content seems to be online these days, it’s certainly not the easiest type or style of content to produce. Simple appearing as it may be, shooting a talking heads video like an expert is going to require thinking like an expert.

Follow these tips if you want to achieve expert level success in shooting a Talking Heads Video that you can share across your brand.

Capture the End in Your Plan First

Before you take a single shot, you need to know the end. Shooting with the end in mind is going to provide you with a stronger ability to deliver an exceptional learning experience with your content. How do you capture the end in your plan before you plan? Consider how you can shoot with the end in mind by:

  • Incorporating message callback in your video so that there are references to earlier content later in the shoot.
  • Plan your messaging so that it adheres to the desired style and tone. You don’t want to shoot a talking head video that’s going to be part of an intricate case study on health concerns in a casual tone that has more of an interactive, fun kind of manner.
  • Aim for cohesiveness throughout the video. Think about being cohesive in your shots whether it’s just adding in an attribute that will pull the theme together or taking something out that doesn’t seem to fit in.

Know When It’s Okay to Use Green Screens

If you’re going to be shooting a Talking Heads Video, there’s probably not going to be a time when you really “should” use green screen, but there might be instances where you feel like you have to. For instance, if you’re in a scenario where your background for an interview simply cannot be fresh, clean and free of busy distractions – a green screen might be better. However, you should always consider your alternatives first. If you can use a sheet, or other background instead of green screening it – do it.

Never Underestimate the Power of Composition

If you’re thinking that you don’t need to worry too much about composition because you’re “only” filming a Talking Heads Video, think again! Never underestimate the power of composition of your shot.

Even when you’re filming an interview or a one subject shot, you should be thinking about how that shot is composed, what is visible in the shot, how your camera is angled, and what movements you could incorporate to make the shot come across more visually entertaining and powerful.

Think About Lighting Ahead of Time & Let Natural Lighting Help

Shooting a Talking Heads Video that incorporates the use of natural lighting to your advantage is an excellent way of thinking like an expert would. You might even plan your video shoot around a time when the natural light is going to be most useful to you in lighting your subject so that his or her emotions shine through. What you don’t want to do is forget lighting!

The lighting of your shot, and how you utilize the natural lighting available to you, could have a direct impact on the outcome of your Talking Heads Video, especially if you follow the tips of an expert and:

  • Choose lighting that is going to work with your subject and highlight his emotions.
  • Employ a standard 3-point lighting setup.
  • Carefully consider how your natural light might be impacted if you must film any reshoots or perform edits.
  • Make sure that your lighting isn’t negatively impacting your subject on camera.

Shoot Continuously (Or At Least for Several Seconds After Each Scene)


If you’re trying to figure out how you can be shooting Talking Heads Video like an expert, you should be thinking about what you can do to avoid missing out on anything important that your subject might say or do on camera (or off). This often means keeping the camera rolling for the duration of the shot both before the subject is asked a question by the interviewer, and after the question has been answered.

By keeping the camera rolling after the question is answered, you’re likely to capture a more realistic view of the subject and you could capture additional details or insight into how he or she feels about the topic of subject at hand. Never end or stop filming just because the subject has stopped talking for a second! You’ll give your post-production editing team a lot more to work with if you just keep the cameras rolling the entire time and, with any luck, you’ll capture something spectacular, too!

Want more expert tips on shooting Talking Heads Video like the pros do? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!