Pitch Perfect: Tips for Crafting an Amazing Brand Video Pitch

Pitch Perfect: Tips for Crafting an Amazing Brand Video Pitch Now, more than ever before, video content is a must for businesses that are marketing their brands to a consumer audience whether it’s a B2B or B2C campaign. Producing an amazing brand video pitch that attracts the attention of your target audience and draws interest […]

6 SEO Marketing Video Tactics for Improved Rankings

6 SEO Marketing Video Tactics for Improved Rankings There’s little, if any, question as to the importance of video content for brands that are attempting to reach consumers, especially online. Videos are a serious component of powerful internet marketing campaigns and they’re equally important in search engine optimization, but do they actually contribute to improved […]

How Does Video and SEO Help Rankings?

How Does Video and SEO Help Rankings? You’ve certainly heard the term, “SEO” otherwise you probably wouldn’t be interested too much in learning how video and SEO help rankings for your website. [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get a video marketing quote here!”] But, while SEO and the term search engine optimization are household names almost these days […]

YouTube SEO Video Marketing Tips for Success

YouTube SEO Video Marketing Tips for Success What do you think of when you think about video SEO? Do you think about posting videos on your own website and ranking them well in Google? Do you think about posting videos on YouTube and ranking them well? Do you think of something entirely different? Hacking YouTube […]