How much does an Auckland camera crew cost?

How much does an Auckland camera crew cost? Simply put, Auckland camera crew cost is based on the concepts you want to bring to life. Will you need to film with just one camera operator who can finalize the shoot in a half day or will you need two or three camera operators filming footage for the entire day? Auckland Camera crew cost […]

Advantages of College Virtual Tour Videos

Advantages of College Virtual Tour Videos You hear the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and if that’s true, then what is a virtual tour complete with video and engaging representation worth? College virtual tour videos are worth significantly more than a simple picture or image. [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get a College Virtual Tour […]

Top Reasons to Consider Counselling Videos for Marketing

Top Reasons to Consider Counselling Videos for Marketing The use of video marketing for a therapist may seem like just another hassle to add to the list of tasks that you don’t have time for, but if you’re dedicated to success, the use of counselling videos for marketing your practice can improve your bottom line. […]

5 Benefits Marketing Videos for a Solar Manufacturing Company

 5 Benefits Marketing Videos for a Solar Manufacturing Company As a solar manufacturing company, the more relationships you can build with consumers and businesses that are seeking to understand solar power and benefit from it, the greater your potential for conversions will be. The use of video marketing by solar manufacturing companies is not a […]

Safety Videos for Medical Equipment Manufacturing Business

Safety Videos for Medical Equipment Manufacturing Business The use of safety videos is a growing trend, especially in the medical equipment manufacturing business where safety and well-being is top priority. While these businesses have always faced complex challenges with safety and security, COVID-19 has brought unique challenges of risk and exposure to light. Creating safety […]

5 Tips on Creating Marketing Videos for an Advertising Agency

5 Tips on Creating Marketing Videos for an Advertising Agency The use of marketing videos for an advertising agency is a growing trend that more and more firms are actively adopting. Unfortunately, many overlook key steps to making truly successful video content that inspires the audience. While creating marketing videos for an advertising agency is […]

5 Reasons to Invest in Video Production for your Event Planning Business

5 Reasons to Invest in Video Production for your Event Planning Business Marketing your event planning business is much like marketing various other forms of business – it takes time, effort, and investment. With the increase in video use online through websites, email and social media, no marketing plan is complete without high quality, 4K […]

Top 10 Uses of Video in Healthcare Settings

Top 10 Uses of Video in Healthcare Settings The use of video in healthcare is a growing trend that more and more hospitals, doctors, and healthcare professionals are adopting. Video has great power on the internet, resulting in higher Google rankings for websites and causing increased conversions for brands. In fact, video is so useful […]

Surgical Filming and Documentation for Healthcare Professionals

Surgical Filming and Documentation for Healthcare Pro’s The use of surgical filming and documentation for healthcare professionals can help to reduce liability, margin of error, and improve healthcare practice regulations and surgical procedures. Surgical filming is probably one of the most intricate forms of media work a film crew will produce. Documenting surgical procedures is an […]

6 Reasons to Hire a Videography Company Over a Freelance Videographer

6 Reasons to Hire a Videography Company

Although the decision to hire a videography company versus hiring a freelance videographer or a DIY cameraman to do the job is entirely up to your discretion but there are some real benefits that come from hiring a professional team to get the job done. [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get your videography company quote here!”] Contributing factors to the […]