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5 Tips on Creating Marketing Videos for an Advertising Agency

The use of marketing videos for an advertising agency is a growing trend that more and more firms are actively adopting. Unfortunately, many overlook key steps to making truly successful video content that inspires the audience. While creating marketing videos for an advertising agency is a great way to support your digital marketing campaigns, a poorly constructed video will do more harm than good. Here’s what you need to know to create effective marketing videos for an advertising agency.

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#1. Do Your Research

First and foremost, do you research! Research your target market. Know all there is to know about them. What do they like? What do they do? What do they need? How can you help? 

Getting to know your target market is key to producing quality and effective video content for an advertising agency. The research is designed to define your audience and the key structure or purpose of the video that you are going to create.

Marketing videos for an advertising agency that are created without these key factors in mind will not succeed.

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#2. Develop the Concept

Once you’ve completed the research, you need to devise a concept for your marketing efforts. The concept can be laid out in a storyboard that outlines key points, features, and shots that will take place during production.

Don’t forget to include details on the type of video you’re going to create and the purpose here as well.

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#3. Engage the Consumer

Creating marketing videos for an advertising agency requires something that will engage the consumer audience. Consider concepts that bring light to important elements of your advertising agency or that promote the value of your brand.

Keep in mind that great videos tend to touch on consumer emotions and engage in a way that your audience will remember and recall as your work. Don’t copycat what others have done — be unique!

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#4. Consider Professional Production

Marketing videos for an advertising agency really are not a DIY project that just anyone can complete. It’s going to take more than just your Smartphone to create effective, engaging marketing videos for your advertising agency.

Consider hiring a professional production crew to provide marketing videos for an advertising agency that you’re running — the cost is worth the investment.

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#5. Distribute for Success

A great video is nothing if it is not distributed to the audience that is most likely to engage and enjoy it. Your distribution should be geared for success from the beginning with a distribution plan that will help your content succeed.

Consider the various distribution channels (social media, website, television, other ad networks) before creating marketing videos for an advertising agency and plan the steps of distribution carefully to ensure you get the highest reach and most engagement. 

Need help creating marketing videos for an advertising agency that you operate? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today.