5 Reasons to Consider Animated Explainer Videos to Pitch Investors

5 Reasons to Consider Animated Explainer Videos to Pitch Investors Raising money through investment fundraising can be particularly challenging even for a business that’s already got a strong reputation. It can be even more challenging for a new business or when pitching a new product, service or idea that’s incredibly complex and difficult to understand. […]

5 Short Animation Video Ideas

5 Short Animation Video Ideas  Producing a short animation video sounds easy enough, until you hit writer’s block and find yourself struggling just to come up with an idea. What will you create an animation about? How will it connect with your audience? And more importantly, why? The problem that we hear frequently at Beverly […]

What is the Expected Cost of an Animated Explainer Video

What is the Expected Cost of an Animated Explainer Video You’re considering an animated explainer video, and you’re wondering, “what is the expected cost of an animated explainer video?” That’s an excellent question! Before we give you the most roundabout answer possible, consider the fact that the average cost of an animated explainer video is […]

3 Reasons to Hire Explainer Video Production Companies in USA

3 Reasons to Hire Explainer Video Production Companies in USA Explainer video production companies in USA have the power to humanize your brand, boost consumer knowledge of your products and services, promote your business, and boost reach to your website. WOW — that’s a huge effort for a single type of video. But it’s true. […]

3 Corporate Explainer Video Production Services for Business Owners

3 Corporate Explainer Video Production Services for Business Owners Corporate explainer videos have the power to teach and train your customers to jumpstart conversion rates for your brand. In fact, explainer videos are a must for start-up businesses and valuable addition to your website’s homepage or to product or service pages that discuss complex processes […]

Why is an Explainer Video a Must for Your Brand?

Why is an Explainer Video a Must for Your Brand? Video marketing is a resource that is used by 93% of all marketers–but why? Aside from the fact that video content is consumed more frequently than any other form of online media, studies further prove that an audience that views a product video is 85% […]

Benefits of Human Resource Development Videos

Benefits of Human Resource Development Videos Human resource development is a powerful investment for your brand. Executed properly, HR development has the power to improve the culture and interaction within your corporation in a way that results in higher confidence in your employees, improved employee morale, and greater organizational structure all around. What if we […]

5 Creative Ways to Market your Hydraulic Fracturing Services Business

5 Creative Ways to Market your Hydraulic Fracturing Services Business Hydraulic fracturing services represent a competitive industry that specializes in the processes and techniques required to extract crude oil and natural gas from shale formations. While hydraulic fracturing has led to incredible growth in the US petroleum and natural gas production industry, generating leads for […]

5 Innovative Ways to Market Your Private School

5 Innovative Ways to Market Your Private School Private schools are a growing industry as more parents and students seek education that is tailored to their individual needs and long term career goals. However, growing interest in private education makes this industry also highly competitive. Private schools that keep classrooms full and appropriately staffed recognize […]

5 Useful Ways to Market Your Medical Practice

5 Useful Ways to Market Your Medical Practice Medical providers are key players in consumer health and safety. Unfortunately, filling the office with appointments is not always as easy as it may seem. When doctors or other healthcare providers seek to increase their patient load, medical marketing activities become a key element to success for […]