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Expert’s Guide to Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing with Video

Digital marketing has long been the focus for most brands as the internet took over in the 90s and throughout the 2000s more brands shifted to a digital focus. However, when it comes to digital marketing and social media marketing with video, many brands still fall behind in terms of the amount of video content they produce and the steps they take to succeed online. In this guide to digital marketing and social media marketing with video, we’re discussing some of the benefits that come from using video in your everyday social media marketing campaigns and what brands should be doing to increase consumer awareness for their brand, build audience trust, and drive conversions.

Why is Social Media Marketing with Video Important?

If you’ve already been focused on digital marketing, like most brands, you’re probably aware of social media marketing and the potential value that could come from it. Perhaps you even promote your brand across the various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and TikTok as well as Snapchat. Most businesses have been engaging in some form of digital marketing and social media marketing for several years now. But what about the use of video on social media?

Digital marketing and social media marketing with video is not only important, it’s something that every business owner should be actively engaging in at this time. Digital marketing and social media marketing with video represents a unique opportunity for your business to:

  • Increase awareness of your brand.
  • Increase audience engagement and trust.
  • Reach your prospective customers where they are.
  • Generate higher sales and increased conversions for your brand.

Social media marketing with video can increase your reach, generate up to 1200% more interactions, and result in up to 34% higher conversions for your brand.

How to Use Video on Social Media

Social Media

Are you wondering how you can use video in your digital marketing and social media marketing? There are a variety of ways that you should be including video in your social media marketing campaigns. Consider the use of video on Facebook to drive awareness for your brand and business. Include videos on Linkedin to share your corporate culture and employee updates. Share videos on TikTok to increase your brand’s overall reach and post regularly to Instagram Stories to engage your followers on a daily basis.

When you post videos to social media you can expect:

  • Users to spend up to 88% longer on your pages.
  • Viewers to complete up to 90% of a video.
  • Posts to get up to 48% more views.

There’s no arguing that digital marketing and social media marketing with video is absolutely vital to the success of a brand’s reputation and experience online. 

Benefits of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing with Video 

In addition to increased engagement and audience awareness, you can expect a number of benefits to come from the use of digital marketing and social media marketing with video content. The use of video on social media is more likely to gain the attention of your audience resulting in higher clicks and overall higher interactions. Users are more likely to stick around on your social media pages if you have video, but they’re also more likely to come back if you post to Instagram Stories or if you have videos actively posted to Facebook Watch. 

Videos also improve consumer trust in your brand. Sharing videos about your mission, business culture, employees and other details of your business on LinkedIn will help others find your business and learn about your values. Likewise, sharing videos that show off your corporate behind-the-scenes takes and that share your values publicly on platforms like Facebook allow consumers insight into your brand which can build trust. This is especially important when you run an entirely ecommerce or online business as the creation of these types of videos humanize your brand putting a face to the name.

Digital marketing and social media marketing with video also has the benefit of increasing your conversion rates. Just sharing video content on social media can help your brand do more in sales revenue or in other forms of conversions. Not only did 40% of consumers state they purchased products found on YouTube, 64% state that they purchased a product after watching a video about the brand on social media. 

Users are not only more likely to recall video content, but they are more likely to engage and to physically follow through with the call to action that is included in a video content marketing strategy. So, if you’re not already focused on digital marketing and social media marketing with video content as a serious form of marketing for your brand, you really should be!

Get Started with Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing with Video

Ready to get started with digital marketing and social media marketing with video content? There are a variety of different types and styles of video that you can create. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today, and we’ll walk you through the process of choosing the best type of video content to produce for your brand and the next steps in the production process to ensure success in your digital marketing and social media marketing with video!