Simplify Consumer Understanding with Blockchain Explainer Videos

The blockchain, and cryptocurrency industry, is a technologically complex topic that is challenging for most non-tech savvy people to fully comprehend. In fact, if you’re not a millennial, or a cryptocurrency investor that’s spent excessive time trying to fully wrap your head around these concepts, you probably have questions about it all as most consumers do. To simplify consumer understanding, blockchain explainer videos are an excellent consideration for business owners and brands.

With the blockchain marketing becoming increasingly popular, it’s quite common for business to get involved in some way, but their consumer audiences struggle to fully understand how, why, or what it means for them. Where there are questions like this without answers, your audience will lose trust and become concerned. This is why it’s important for you to simplify the complex concepts around the blockchain with explainer videos.

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What are Blockchain Explainer Videos?

Blockchain explainer videos are short, 1-3 minute videos that provide detailed explanations of complex blockchain topics and cryptocurrency related concepts through visuals and narration. Business owners are turning to blockchain explainer videos to help their consumer audiences understand how the blockchain works, what technology they utilize for their operations, and whether or not cryptocurrencies are accepted by the brand. In fact, there are a number of ways that businesses are using blockchain explainer videos beyond the basics to help their audience understand how the blockchain integrates with the business.

Explainer Videos Simplify the Blockchain Concept

If you’re new to video production, you probably have general questions about explainer videos. IN short, explainer videos are short video explanations of complex concepts. They often include animations, but they don’t have to be animated. Most important, they are very short, very detailed, and very specific. They are personalized to a target audience to help the audience understand the concept they are produced to teach.

Blockchain explainer videos are used to simplify the concept of blockchain technology which is otherwise incredibly complex to the non-tech consumer. Explainer videos that represent the blockchain provide viewers with:

  • Easy to follow descriptions of the complex technology behind the blockchain.
  • Interesting details on the subject of blockchain technology and how it applies to the consumer.
  • Colorful visuals, usually animations, that help the consumer to visualize the technology and break it down into layman’s terms.
  • Simplified information that includes industry jargon and easy to understand insights.
  • Eye-catching visuals that grab the attention of the audience and help them to remain interested in the content.

Like explaining any other concept, blockchain explainer videos are heavily focused on providing an easy to understand, fully-focused, detailed explanation of the technology and concepts behind the blockchain.

Why are Blockchain Explainer Videos Important?

Blockchain explainer videos can be used for a wide variety of purposes to engage the consumer and deliver key insights into the complex technology that you use in your business. Your brand will achieve a variety of benefits from incorporating blockchain explainer videos into your website if this technology is something that you utilize. For instance;

  • Explainer videos can be used to convert visitors into investors into your technology, your business, or the cryptocurrency involved in your brand.
  • An animated explainer video can help breakdown complex topics involved in the use of blockchain technology.
  • Explainer videos explain the stages of blockchain or the processes involved in investing into the blockchain.
  • Explainer videos can help people to believe in the technology and find interest in supporting it.
  • Explainer videos are more likely to result in consumer buy-in or trust that is important to generating conversions for your brand.
  • Explainer videos improve online presence for your business as consumers get to know your brand.

Whether you’re a startup that’s using blockchain technology from the very beginning, or you’re a long-standing business that is just venturing into the blockchain, blockchain explainer videos are an important aspect of your marketing and advertising campaigns. These videos can be used to:

  • Increase consumer trust.
  • Increase consumer awareness.
  • Drive consumer conversions.
  • Improve audience engagement.
  • Generate revenue.

As a business owner, your job is to help your target audience understand how your business or brand operates and, if there’s questions that your consumers have, you have to answer them to improve consumer trust in your brand. Blockchain explainer videos are a great opportunity to explain to your audience how this technology works, how your business is using it, and what it means for the relationship between your business and your audience.

To learn more about the use of blockchain explainer videos, or if you’re interested in producing blockchain explainer videos that you can use for your marketing, advertising, or promotions, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll bring a dedicated crew to your project to produce highly engaging, and informative blockchain explainer videos that will increase audience trust and following in your brand. With more than two decades in the industry, we’ve got the tools and the tricks of the trade to make your brand shine!