Video Production for Amusement Parks

Amusement parts are deeply impacted by economic fluctuations in which discretionary spending and overall consumer incomes rise and fall, but increases in access to international and domestic travel have largely made the amusement park industry poised for growth. This industry includes major brands like Disney, Universal Studios & SeaWorld as well as Six Flags, Cedar Point, and many smaller amusement parks that are scattered throughout the United States making up a total $12 billion dollar market. Many of these larger brands are well aware of video marketing, but for smaller brands Video Production for Amusement Parks is likely something that is a bit new.


Amusement parks can stand to benefit greatly from the production of marketing & promotional videos that push the fun, excitement, and anticipation of the parks atmosphere and events to tourists. This is certainly a huge market for this industry and stands to bolster revenue for the brand if advertising is done right.

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At Beverly Boy Productions we work closely with amusement parks to provide video marketing, promotions, and advertising services that can boost audience awareness, increase community support of the parks, and drive interest among both locals and tourists. We also provide a wide range of video production services that can assist with internal training, and to drive external growth processes through expert interviews and building a strong community of followers for the brand.

Promotional Videos for Amusement Parks

Promoting the mechanic rides, water games and rides, shows, and themed park exhibits that make up your amusement park can draw interest among your target audience and build up a sense of anticipation, but promotional videos can also be used for things like:

-Promoting a special sale or event.
-Promoting food and beverage sales.
-Promoting merchandise sales.
-Promoting in-park services.

These short, exciting promotional videos are a great way to build up social media interest, credibility, and overall excitement for your brand. Whether you share promotional videos on Facebook, your website, a landing page or in your email marketing campaigns, they’re a great way to drive interest in your brand and generate conversions.

Marketing Videos for Amusement Parks

Marketing Video Production for Amusement Parks can increase audience awareness, build trust and credibility, and boost your sales revenue. Marketing videos are especially popular online, but they can be used for televised promotions, too.


Consider the creation of marketing videos to:

-Build audience awareness for your amusement park and its services.
-Boost consumer interest in the events or offerings of the park.
-Generate increased traffic to your website or other campaigns.
-Increase sales conversions by as much as 34% or more.
-Attract new customers and audiences and convert them into attendees.

If you’re not already utilizing video in your marketing efforts, you really should be! More than 83% of the internet is made up of video, so whether your amusement park is new or old, big or small, video marketing is key to success for the brand.

Training Videos for Amusement Parks

Amusement parks can benefit greatly from the production of training videos that represent their parks and their employees. These parks employ an estimated 127,274 people and have a significant turnover rate largely due to the rapid onboarding and training that is provided in which employees are often left feeling like they are not fully prepared for the responsibilities that are placed with them on the job.


Training Video Production for Amusement Parks can reduce turnover rates, improve employee understanding of responsibilities on the job, and rapidly reduce total training time without cutting back on the quality or consistency of training that is provide. In fact, training videos can:

-Improve worker productivity.
Increase worker knowledge retention.
-Improve training outcomes.
-Minimize total training time.
-Improve consistency of training.

Employees will appreciate the always available, easy access to training when video training is offered, and as the amusement park owner, you can appreciate the savings on training when new hires no longer require lengthy shadow times or similar training from a peer.

Interview Videos for Amusement Parks

Interview videos for amusement parks can help to position your park as an expert on fun, excitement, or the individual themes that you incorporate into the park. We see expert interview videos being shared across social media, on websites, and through a variety of digital media campaigns to draw interest and bolster sales for admission tickets and rides at the park.

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At Beverly Boy Productions we offer a wide variety of professional Video Production for Amusement Parks to increase audience awareness, boost up community trust, and drive ticket sales and revenue for the brand. It’s all part of our positioning your amusement park for success!