Different Types of Pittsburgh Time-Lapse Videography

Pittsburgh time-lapse videography is a popular filming and photography technique that has developed over the years into various styles. With so many types of time-lapse photography in Pittsburgh now being incorporated into films, there are a lot of different styles that you can try in your own video project. Take a look at these different types of Pittsburgh time-lapse videography techniques that are often used in films today.

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we utilize various styles of Pittsburgh time-lapse videography into our videos based on what the client is looking for. Contact us today to discover more about our full-service video production and time-lapse video services.


Here are 8 of the most common types of time-lapse techniques that we like to use at Beverly Boy Productions.


1. Basic Time-Lapse Videography

With the basic time-lapse shot the camera and its settings are fixed. The concept is to capture scenes over a period of time so you’ll be able to exhibit said period of time in film. While it’s not a new technique, it’s often used to capture sunrises, sunsets, shadows, clouds, or moving traffic, and looks great.


2. Hyperlapse Videography

Hyperlapse videography is a more technical type of Pittsburgh time-lapse videography but it provides a “hyper” look for videos that can look exciting when done correctly. Some of the most incredible scenes and shots in filmmaking use hyperlapse filming. The technique is achieved by pointing a camera at the same exact thing regardless of what may be happening. The shots look like the frame is the same or similar to the one before it, even though the camera has moved from one point to another while changing perspective.  


3. Plant Time-lapse Videography

As the name implies, plant time-lapse videography is a technique that consists of capturing plant growth over time. You’ll have to commit to using your camera to capture this form of time-lapse for a period of weeks or months based on the kind of growth that you hope to capture.


4. Holy Grail Time-Lapse Videography

Many types of Pittsburgh time-lapse videography are quite difficult to shoot, such as the holy grail time-lapse. This one requires in-depth knowledge of what to do to achieve the desired result. This style consists of shooting the sunset or sunrise, with the secret lying in how you adjust the exposure settings such that the final result is flickering sequence.


5. Aerial Hyperlapse

This is the term used to describe the kinds of time-lapse photography that are shot from the air, via either an airplane, drone, or helicopter. Aerial hyperlapse takes shots from the air where the camera is constantly positioned a set way on a particular item filming surrounding from a variety of points.  


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6. Astro Time-lapse

Filmed at night from a dark spot, astro time-lapse is one of many types of time-lapse videography that involves capturing astronomical scenes and events at night. Astro time-lapse can sometimes be called astrophotography or astrovideography.


7. Focus Pull Time-Lapse

A form of time-lapse videos that involves capturing the focus ring and offers the option to adjust and add axes as you go, it’s a pretty technical style of time-lapse. It’s often used to adjust the motion control time-lapse videography.


8. Motion Control Pittsburgh Time-Lapse

Motion control Pittsburgh time-lapse video makers requires a lot of gear and equipment to achieve but it’s an incredible option. Out of the various kinds of Pittsburgh time-lapse videography, motion control time-lapse results in really fun shots that offers versatile use in your film or project.