The Do’s and Don’ts of Philadelphia Remote Webcasting

In 2020, worldwide cases of COVID-19 caused CDC recommendations to close all non-essential businesses for a short period of time both in Philadelphia and throughout much of the U.S. As a result, many businesses were faced with the challenge of finding ways to connect with large, remote audiences for various reasons. This included audiences both near and far from Philadelphia. Remote webcasting is one of several methods of communication that became widely popular for businesses. 

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Professional Philadelphia remote webcasting production companies, like Beverly Boy Productions, specialize in assisting clients with the setup and professional production of these live stream communications.

To learn more about webcasting for your business, give us a call at 215-279-9332! 

When producing a remote webcast there is a lot of planning and consideration that should go into the presentation and delivery.

These Do’s and Don’ts of remote webcasting will help you to better understand the process and expectations:

DO: Plan the Webcast Around the Audience.

If you’re webcasting to your customers, they want to know what your business can do for them and how it can help them.

Likewise if you’re thinking about a webcast to employees, they already know what your business does and a more valuable webcast for them would be focused on training or support that could assist them in performing their jobs. It’s important to plan the webcast performance or presentation around the audience.

DON’T: Host on a Free Platform.

While you may find free hosting platforms that will work for your webcast, there are several benefits to choosing private video hosting for your Philadelphia remote webcasting experience.

Paid options deliver analytics data and insights as  well as performance measurements as well as more control over the content.

DO: Rehearse the Webcast Production Before Going Live.

Taking the time to rehearse will provide several benefits. It’s important to start and stop the webcast on time so that you can show your audience that you value their time.

Rehearsing will allow you to determine just how long your presentation is going to take. This is also a key opportunity to check any technology and ensure that everything is in working order.

DON’T: Forget to Test Technology.


Failure to test your technology before your Philadelphia remote webcasting experience is a BIG “NO-NO.” Just don’t forget!

There are a lot of working parts when it comes to producing a remote webcast so checking out all the technology, including your WIFI connection and various other IT items is absolutely vital!

DO: Use Surveys, Polls & Other Data Collection Practices.

Including various opportunities to collect data from your audience is one of the greatest benefits to the remote webcast and it’s one of the most important considerations for your team to make.

What kind of data do you want to collect? What will be most useful to your future marketing? How will you collect the data?

Consider the use of surveys, polls, interactive chats, and live Q&A sessions in your Philadelphia remote webcasting to gather up the data that is most valuable for your brand from your remote audience.