5 Types of Clinical Training Videos Every Hospital Should Consider

Clinical training videos represent a growing trend towards ongoing medical expertise training that healthcare professionals must engage in for their licensure and accreditations. While there are various types of clinical training videos, hospitals stand to benefit greatly from certain forms of clinical training more so than standard healthcare practices. 

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Here we’ve outlined 5 types of clinical training videos that are ideal in a hospital training setting.

#1. Staff Safety Training Videos

Without a safe staff, your hospital stands to have significant problems down the line. Staff safety training videos help you to keep your healthcare team equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for staff to remain safe and engaged with the rest of the team.

Consider posting staff safety training videos in a clinical training videos library vault for all healthcare workers or post them in common areas such as the employee breakroom for staff to engage in on their free time.

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#2. Housekeeping Training Videos

Hospital housekeeping is not like your traditional home cleaning. There’s sanitation, patient safety, HIPPA rights, and a whole host of concerns to be aware of.

Hospitals that produce hospital housekeeping training videos as part of their clinical training video library can benefit greatly from the shared knowledge that comes when all staff members understand what is expected in terms of cleanliness when they are on shift.

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#3. Home Health Procedure Training Videos

Hospitals often send patients home with instructions on what to do next. Sometimes the nurse will understand the orders of the doctor or prescribing physician, but often there are some discrepancies.

Home health procedure training videos represent one of many forms of clinical training videos that hospital staff can benefit greatly from. These videos help them to dictate appropriate home health care for patients without missing important details that they would otherwise not know without training.

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#4. HIPPA Training Videos

Every hospital must adhere to very strict HIPPA compliance. Clinical training videos must also focus on HIPPA compliance and ensuring the employees that participate in the training understand fully what is expected and allowed of them.

If you’re not already engaging your hospital employees in HIPPA training, consider these the most important of all clinical training videos to get started with — a single HIPPA violation could cost you upward of $50K or more.

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#5. Patient Safety Training Videos

Patient safety, at the hospital, and on their way or heading home is vital. Patient safety training videos are used by hospitals as part of the various clinical training videos that employees engage in to get to know best practices and expectations of the hospital itself.

As you look for various opportunities to use clinical training videos in your hospital, consider patient safety training videos that can be posted in common areas, the lobby, and patient rooms for expanded reach.

Each of these types of clinical training videos can be used to expand the knowledge and stability of your hospital. To get started creating clinical training videos for your facility, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 today.