Top 10 Things to Look for When Hiring a London, UK Production Company

At Beverly Boy Productions, our clients know that they can trust us. We are an experienced London, UK production company that has experience filming in this iconic city. From the food to the sites to the friendly people and the beautiful parks, there are several reasons to make this your location for a production experience. Here are 10 reasons to hire a London, UK production company:

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  1. The Shard

    London, UK Production Company

A very unique building standing tall in London, the Shard has become one of the hippest places to be seen in the last few years. There are many reasons for this, one of them being that the restaurant at the top offers views that are unmatched in the city. From using it for a unique location for your project with a local London production studio to taking a break from filming, there are many reasons to visit the Shard and to see the city from above.

  1. Tower of London

    London, UK Production Company

An iconic place in London’s history, the Tower of London is undoubtedly one of the most impressive buildings in all of London. You’ll want to visit the Tower of London, not so much for the architecture of the building (although it is impressive in it’s own right) but for the history behind the walls. From using it as a location for your project with one of the production companies in London to simply learning about some of it’s infamous prisoners, there are many reasons to make the Tower of London a must-see during your time in the city.

  1. Climate

    London, UK Production Company

Everyone knows that the city is mostly grey throughout the year. In fact, it rarely ever gets very hot and the temperatures in the winter are certainly not friendly. Just because it can be rainy most of the year doesn’t meant that the right London production crew won’t know how to work around weather issues. It’s just about finding the right production team to help you out.

  1. London Eye

    London, UK Production Company

The London Eye is a Ferris wheel that stands very tall at 443-feet and which happens to be a very iconic part of the London scenery. Of course, a ride on the London eye has to be a breathtaking experience, but so is simply seeing it from afar. If you really want a London landmark that will stand out in your digital marketing campaign, this may very well be the best option around.

  1. Westminster Abbey

    London, UK Production Company

An impressive building, no matter how you look at it, the Westminster Abbey is the royal church that is also one of the most visited landmarks in the city. With thousands of years of history, it’s no wonder that many local productions include Westminster Abbey in the background. From the Gothic architecture to the importance it has in London society, there are many reasons to include Westminster Abbey in your commercial video production.

  1. Food

    London, UK Production Company

If there were ever a great spot for finding amazing restaurants, it would be London. This incredible city has some of the world’s most iconic eateries and bars, so you’ll have the pick of your lifetime when you visit with your production team. To help you get started, here are a few of the top favorites:

  1. The best Middle Eastern cuisine could very well be found at Honey and Co.. From the humus to the home-baked pastries and the pitta bread that will melt in your mouth, the dishes are “to-die-for.”
  2. Sushi Tetsu is a great spot for those who want to try some of the best sushi in town. It is very challenging to get a reservation here but once you accomplish the feat, you’ll be sure to love the experience.
  3. Should you want to try some delectable dishes that are very British yet also very delicious, go to St. John Bread and Wine. From the Foie gras to the mussels with cider, it’s the kind of food that will make your mouth water.


  1. Tate Modern

    London, UK Production Company

Art lovers will love exploring the many floors of the Tate Modern, as they will also admire the views from the museum overlooking the river and many of the fabulous sites in London. In fact, if you’re looking for a spot for filming with a local London production studio, you may want to try to set up here. It’s an iconic place to visit and has a view that doesn’t disappoint.

  1. History

    London, UK Production Company

London dates back to many years ago and is one of the oldest cities in the region. Founded by the Romans in 43 AD, it’s truly one of the most iconic cities in the world. As a major port, Londinium (as the Romans called it) was home to more than 50,000 people, which was a lot for that time in history. While many Vikings and Danish settlers began to take over the region during the ninth century, it wasn’t until King Alfred the Great captured London in 886 that it began to flourish into the city that it is today. Now, an international hub for businesses and culture, London is one of the world’s busiest and trendiest cities.

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  1. Permits

    London, UK Production Company

If you’re just filming with a small crew you won’t have to worry about permits, as long as you’re not obstructing any street or highway. While it’s not the case in every neighborhood, for the most part you’ll need to get permission when filming at town halls, schools, estates, and shopping centers. When in doubt, make sure to check with the local London production crew you’ll be working with to ensure that you have the right permit so your video production isn’t disrupted.

  1. Sherlock Holmes Museum

    London, UK Production Company

If you love Sherlock Holmes like I do, you’ll love a visit to the Sherlock Holmes Museum where you’ll be able to admire what is the pretend home of the ever so inquisitive detective. While there was no such thing as 221 Baker Street, there is now if you consider the address of the museum to REALLY be 221 Baker Street. After exploring the rooms of Holmes’ home, you can meander into the store where you’ll be presented with a plethora of fun souvenirs to bring back home. An attraction and a iconic location in London, why not consider using the quirky museum as a backdrop to your brand campaign?