Present Employee Benefits Virtually with a Virtual Benefits Fair

COVID-19 has changed the way businesses operate, including the way that HR tasks like addressing employee benefits work. Instead of discussing employee benefits during onboarding and annually in a group with other employees, many businesses are seeking ways to take the discussion online and provide virtual insight into employee benefits, Q&A sessions, and a full host of online events surrounding employee benefits with virtual benefits fair. Presenting employee benefits virtually has never been so widely accepted, but how can a new business get started?

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Define Your Goal


The first step to hosting a virtual benefits fair is to set your goals and objectives in line. It’s easy to get yourself caught up in the solution but what’s the key problem? Before you create virtual benefits fair for your employees, define the key problems that you’ve incurred with past benefits fairs and key problems you’re facing right now, and create goals that the virtual fair will help you to achieve.

For example:

● Define what is most important for people to know and learn from the benefits fair. This may be special benefits, key details on specific benefits, or something entirely different.

● Define how you will measure the success of the benefits fair. This may be as simple as a reduced call volume to HR with questions.

● Define the most important outcome of the benefits fair. What is it that you want to happen after the fair?

Consider Virtual Benefits Fair Delivery

Vancouver media live stream online

The next step is to determine how you intend to deliver the virtual benefits fair so that employees can attend, learn, engage, and benefit from the content that you create and share with them. The method of delivery can vary greatly just as an in-person benefits fair would have several venue options and equally many vendor options, a virtual benefits fair will have several hosting options and multiple technology interfaces to choose from in addition to a streaming platform.

Here’s what you need to consider with the delivery of your virtual benefits fair:

● Technology for the hosting of the benefits fair. Consider Zoom, Webex, Teams, or your own in-house technology to host the meetings and chats that will take place around the benefits.

● Whether the fair will be held in a virtual conference space. Virtual conference options and spaces such as virtual meeting rooms, virtual exhibit halls, and other forms of meeting space where attendees can come together and engage in the virtual benefits fair experience. 

● Whether you will use webinars or other forms of content delivery for the benefits. You could consider a website, intranet, microsite, or various other forms of hosting to link your content to your employees.

● Creating an online experience for your employees. Will you host virtual games? Will there be virtual polls or interactive chats? 

● The custom branding that will go into the experience.

● Keynote speakers and content relative to the benefits. How will you answer employee questions? What information will be hard delivered and what information will be delivered on a case-by-case, as asked, basis?

Live streaming with Beverly Boy:

As you can see, there are a lot of technology items to consider when hosting a virtual benefits fair. Beverly Boy Productions can help you with many of these items if you’re unsure where to go or what to do. Give us a call and we’ll immediately get to work in helping you produce a virtual benefit fair that will engage and educate your employees.

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