Live Webcast Meeting Solutions & Virtual Events to Stay Connected During COVID-19

The coronavirus has led to many changes in the way that we do business worldwide. As we all reconsider various aspects of daily business and reduce the number or frequency of in-person meetings and events that we attend a real shift toward virtual events and meetings is taking place. Fortunately, live webcast meeting solutions and virtual events that are deployed from your office, studio or home allow you to remain connected with your team in real time while adhering to COVID-19 social distancing recommendations.

Live Streaming Business Meetings & Events

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Virtual meetings, conference live streaming, and other corporate webcasting solutions fulfill your immediate communication needs: NO travel. NO hassles. NO Social Distancing Restrictions. NO Stress!

What is a Virtual Webcast Meeting Anyway?

Virtual face-to-face meetings

A virtual webcast meeting takes place in an office, studio or similar environment and is broadcast via the internet to users that have been invited formally or who click a provided link to enter.

Webcast meetings that are broadcast live to users represent a unique way for businesses and brands to communicate messages in real time to a vast audience, much like an in-person meeting or event would do if social distancing recommendations were not in place preventing the grouping of people. 

Live webcast meetings and virtual events have several benefits including:

  • Ability for businesses to reach a wider audience than would be possible in-person.
  • Affordable options to meet virtually in-person reduce travel and central location needs that otherwise add layers of costs and business expenses.
  • Consistent branding within the webcast and ability to include add-ons such as social media and chat widgets.
  • Consistent message delivery for cohesive understanding throughout the team.
  • Ability to add layers to event including things like offshoot interviews with industry thought leaders to keep viewer interest.
  • A “hard copy” of meeting notes. The webcast meeting can be added to your library for later viewing or reference.
  • Ability to engage the entire team, provide encouragement or assistance, and increase productivity even when teams are dispersed or otherwise unable to work in-person, together.
  • Engage globally with others, in real-time. Webcast medial on-demand, anywhere in the world.
  • Share webcasts internally for training purposes or HR, or sell VIP session access and bundled training content for additional income streams.

Corporate Webcasting Solutions

Corporate webcasting solutions represent an affordable, convenient option to deliver messages to a worldwide audience. The company webcast can be used to deliver townhall all-hands meetings, company announcements, executive keynotes, and major decisions that require safe, fast and reliable delivery to your audience.

In fact, all-hands live webcasting solutions powered by Beverly Boy Productions utilize a level of safety, security, and control with communications beyond the typical livestream or webcast event.

When security of your data and information is key, company webcasting represents a safe and secure communication method for your business.

Conference Live Streaming and Webcasting

Conference live streaming and webcasting services provide ample reach for corporate events and conferences. Stream multi-room events to a worldwide audience and incorporate documents, synchronized PowerPoint presentations, and other training materials to keep your audience engaged throughout the conference.

Live webcasting events, webinars, seminars, and even your quarterly business meetings can be broadcast to industry stakeholders or participants of your choice regardless of their location–the event is available anywhere an internet connection and connectable device are handy.

During live event webcasting, participants interact with each other in real-time while equally participating in live polls, quizzes, or Q & A sessions that are moderated by your team.

Your immediate response allows you to adjust your message in real-time based on audience preference and the knowledge and metrics you gain during the event.

Live Training Events & E-Learning Sessions

finance training

Distance learning is a growing modality that continues to thrive. Webcasting services that engage and train the audience represent highly lucrative markets.

Large and small businesses can utilize instructional webcasting models to dispense live training events throughout the corporation later archiving content for future HR use.

New hires, promotions, and those who are introduced to new areas of business have access to an always open library of training content that you created with a single webcast training program.

Include testing and other materials to further the training or link viewers to additional HR on-boarding materials for further review. You can even initiate verification steps or quizzing to ensure verification of user knowledge for appropriate regulatory concerns.

Outside the traditional HR uses, live event training and e-learning sessions offered via webcast represent an additional monetary stream for brands that can deliver engaging training to VIP users.

Sell access to your training sessions, create courses and bundle content for a full-service e-learning session that attracts viewers and drives profits for your brand.

Contact the Live Webcasting Experts, Today!

Beverly Boy Productions offers a wide range of webcasting and live stream solutions to help your business continue to run smoothly and even profit during COVID-19.

From corporate townhall meetings and conference live streaming to event webcasting and e-learning, no matter what your webcasting needs are, we’re here to help! Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about webcast streaming solutions that will keep your team connected.