5 Things You Must Know About Virtual Event Production

Virtual events rapidly gained popularity in 2020 when COVID-19 largely closed businesses and limited the number of in-person events that were held worldwide. More brands and business owners are collaborating together to come up with virtual events that allow them to engage and entertain their key audiences while getting their core messages across. If you’re considering a virtual event for your business, hiring a virtual event production company like Team Beverly Boy to assist you with the process can be a game changer! Check out these 5 things you must know about virtual event production!

Our team assists with the preparation, promotion, and production of your virtual event so that you can focus purely on audience engagement and data collection to ensure your future initiatives are a success. Give us a call to learn more about our full service virtual event production and what we can do for your brand!

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1. Virtual Round Tables can be Up to 90 Minutes on Average

Of course you can have a virtual event that is longer or shorter if that’s what your audience research dictates, but in general, 63% of people state that the ideal time for a round table discussion via a virtual event is between 60 and 90 minutes.

Just think about how much you can accomplish in 90 minutes with your audience, though! Virtual events are great for hosting those longer, more engaging discussions with your audience and delivering key details about your products or services and the methods that your business takes to help solve stakeholder problems.

If hosting a longer event, such as an “all day” virtual event, make sure that you limit sessions to between 45 and 90 minutes in total and then provide a break time for your audience. Being present for an entire day without breaks can be challenging, event when the event content is AMAZING! Planning in some downtime for your audience to refresh, grab a snack, or otherwise just rest their minds is important.

2. A Mix of Live & Pre-Recorded Video is Ideal

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That’s right, you don’t have to host a virtual event that includes all live video production. Virtual event production can begin prior to the actual event, as you work with the production crew to produce pre-recorded video content that can be used to supplement your live video. This way your audience can enjoy a bit of pre-recorded event content, but before it becomes stale or otherwise boring to the audience, your moderator or host can cut in and start with the live feed. The mix will allow for a higher level of engagement and satisfaction from your audience.

3. A Full Production Team is Important

You may not think that virtual event production is something that requires a full crew, but there is a lot of technical work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the event is delivered to your audience without a hitch. Expect to hire a 5-10 person crew in total depending on the event itself to ensure that production techniques and needs are covered.

This will include creating pre-recorded event content as well as the live event stream which will include the use of your own corporate branding, graphics, audio and transitions as well as tech support to ensure it all comes together just right!

4. Embrace Diversity but Keep Everything Tied Together by a Common Theme

Beverly Boy Video Production Company

As you’re planning your event, make sure that you’ve taken steps to diversify the content and the keynote speakers so that you can reach a larger audience segment. You should also be taking steps to ensure that your event has a common theme. Themes can be as simple or as specific as you wish for them to be

The purpose of having a theme is to allow for attendees to really hone in on the content and feel connected. Keeping a common theme, while diversifying the content will boost your audience retention and encourage stronger engagement among your attendees.

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5. Let the Graphics & the Camera Do the Work

With an emphasis on virtual event production and the quality behind the equipment being used to produce your virtual event, it’s important to focus on how your event can come across as more favorable and engaging simply due to the production steps that are taken. Integrating graphics into your videos and using icons, visual supports, and text graphics to increase connections to key topics is important.

Virtual events allow for a level of cinematography that your typical live stream or in-person event cannot provide. Let this be a benefit for you in virtual event production. Consider all the ways that your production crew can incorporate camera movements and techniques along with integrated graphics to  produce amazing footage that will engage, entertain, and excite your audience.