7 Keys to Booking the Right Film Production Companies in Jacksonville

Shooting on location in Jacksonville requires a bit of careful planning on your part. You’ve got to book a film crew, secure the appropriate venue, and make sure you’ve done your homework and can be confident in all of the working parts coming together for the success of your project. Booking film production companies in Jacksonville, Florida requires a bit of patience, research and careful planning but, if you do your homework, you’ll find yourself soon in a good position.

camera crew in Jacksonville

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we provide full-service video production for Jacksonville business owners and clients.

Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about booking our production company for your next big project, or to learn more about what it takes to choose a production crew that’s right for you, check out these tips:

1. Pre-Plan Your Project Needs

content marketing plan

Before booking film production companies in Jacksonville, you’ve got to have a solid understanding of what you need.

What will your project entail? What kind of work are you looking to have completed? Do you want to produce a training video? An animated explainer? Something entirely different?

Knowing what you want to create will help you in researching the most appropriate film crew for the job.

2. Search Local Film Crews

Making a list of the film crews that possess the appropriate skills for your job is the next big step to booking the right production company.

You can perform a Google search for production companies by technique, such as “Jacksonville animation companies” or “Jacksonville training video production companies” to find film crews in the area that will provide the exact services that you’re looking for.

3. Analyze Recent Work

Analyzing the recent work of the various film crews that are on your list will help you to decide which is most closely able to provide the work that you’re interested in producing for your own business.

Check recent projects in the portfolios of each company and analyze their ability to deliver the professional quality that you’re looking for.

Does their work appear professional? Do you see any problems with their technique? Does it look like something you could see your own business using in its marketing?

4. Check Reviews & Testimonials

Filming a Testimonial interview on a FS7

You can check past reviews online via places like Google, Yelp!, and Facebook to get a good idea for what people think about each of the film production companies in Jacksonville that you’re considering for your project.

Great reviews warrant some further communication, poor reviews are a good sign that you should eliminate the provider from your list.

This is also a good time to check with past clients personally. If you’re not sure how to contact past clients, ask the production companies that are at the top of your list for some recent references – then call them!

Ask the past clients:

  • If they were satisfied with the work they received?
  • If they would work with the production company again?
  • If they found the process to be smooth and what they expected?

5. Connect for Interviews

3 person interview setup placement

You’ve narrowed down the production companies in Jax by their style and technique, you’ve got a list of the crews that appear most likely to deliver the type of work you’re looking for, and you’ve analyzed their past history with clients.

Now it’s time to interview and see if you could find yourself working with them on a longer term basis.

Keep in mind that production projects take a lot of back and forth communication, so it’s going to be very important that the company you choose is not only a good communicator, but that you feel comfortable working with them.

Connecting for an in-person interview will help you to achieve success here. Have a conversation with each company. Discuss your project. Get a feel for whether or not you can see yourself and your crew working with them.

6. Define Project Goals & Expectations

Discussing the budget, goals and expectations with the top film production companies in Jacksonville on your list will provide you with working knowledge as to whether or not each of them can reasonably deliver your project within the deadline and expectations that you have.

Be open about your budget too. There’s no use hiring a company that you cannot afford.

7. Request Proposals & Hire

Ask for proposals in writing from each of the film production companies in Jacksonville on your list. This will help you to ensure that you’ve got a written offer to compare between.

But don’t just compare pricing – it’s also important to analyze the client’s success, past projects, professionalism and communication of each potential company that you’ve interviewed.

Make your hiring decision based on all of these factors keeping in mind that in the film industry, budget is only one of several important factors to choosing a production company that’s right for your project!