Video Production for the Pet Grooming & Pet Boarding Industry

The pet boarding & grooming industry is positively influenced by consumer disposable incomes and discretionary spending and by high overall pet ownership rates. Consumer attitudes toward how they treat & care for their pets has resulted in a significant rise in revenue across this industry as more pet owners are willing to invest into the care of their beloved animals often splurging on things like raw foods or human-grade meals, enriching toys, and an array of grooming products. For the businesses that provide pet care and other needs, video production for the pet grooming & pet boarding industry can potentially act to further boost audience awareness of products or services & drive conversions.

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For the $11 billion dollar pet grooming industry, expert video production brings about a number of opportunities for further growth. Videos can be used to further influence consumer attitudes toward high end or potentially improved pet care & boarding, they can be used to build trust & to entice viewers to seek out the quality care & services that you provide for their pets. Since consumers spend an average of 100 minutes online each day engaging in video, there’s no better media format to choose if you want to reach a wide, interested audience.

Beverly Boy Productions provides expert video production services for pet grooming businesses & pet boarders. Using video produced by our team, you can achieve a variety of important goals related to marketing & advertising your pet business such as generating brand awareness, boosting sales, engaging your audience & educating them on the pet care products & services you provide.

Promotional Videos for the Pet Grooming & Pet Boarding Industry

Promoting your pet grooming & pet boarding business with video is an essential aspect of your marketing plan that cannot be overlooked. Naturally, the use of cats & dogs as your lead actors for a promo video will have benefits, and they’re suitable for a pet care brand, but promotional videos that also incorporate cats and dogs are enjoyed substantially more by target audiences. In fact, promo videos that feature animals, particularly dogs or cats, can:


Even if you opt not to incorporate animals into your video promos, promotional video production for the pet grooming & pet boarding industry can have significant benefits for your business resulting in increased audience reach, stronger retention, and improved conversions, too.

Marketing Videos for the Pet Grooming & Pet Boarding Industry

Marketing videos can add value & understanding to your campaigns drawing your audience closer to your brand & improving their sense of trust in your business and the services or products that you have to offer. Pet care brands that choose to incorporate video into their marketing campaigns can achieve a variety of goals related to conversions, reach, consumer interest, and engagement. In fact, marketing video production for the pet grooming & pet boarding industry will:

  • Increase your social reach.
  • Boost your organic rankings & improve your SEO.
  • Increase your visibility & attract new customers.
  • Improve your engagement rates.
  • Increase ROI for your brand.

Team Beverly Boy green screen

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Whether you’re interested in growing revenue, building a targeted audience of prospective customers, driving sales or lead conversions, or achieving some other entirely different set of goals for your pet care business, actively engaging in steps to increase your video output and integrate marketing videos into your media campaigns can help.

Training Videos for the Pet Grooming & Pet Boarding Industry

Boarding dogs, cats or other pets is a busy business that requires a lot of hands-on work. The same could be said for pet grooming.  As the business grows, and as you put video marketing to work in generating leads & sales for the brand, you’re going to face additional needs; hiring will be essential to keeping the operation running smoothly & efficiently. Training each newly hired employee can take time which isn’t always in abundance for small to large business owners.

If you’re struggling to understand how you’ll be able to handle your training needs, video can help! Training videos will allow you to train your newly hired support staff in a variety of roles & responsibilities without taking away the limited time resources that you already have. In fact, training video production for the pet grooming & pet boarding industry can:

  • Dramatically reduce the total overall training time required to bring a new employee up to speed.
  • Improve knowledge retention for your hired employees by up to 95%.
  • Increase employee engagement & interaction with training.
  • Save time & money over traditional training programs.

By incorporating training videos into your onboarding & employee training programs, you’ll save countless hours without sacrificing the quality or value of the training that you provide. In fact, training videos are more consistent, focused & effective than many other training formats that you could potentially offer to your team.

Interview Videos for the Pet Grooming & Pet Boarding Industry

Large or small, what matters most about your pet grooming & pet boarding business is that you have, and continue to grow, an audience of people that trust in the services you provide. These people need to trust you explicitly because they’re going to entrust the care of their pets to you. You can tell your audience that you are an expert, that you have a background in grooming or in overnight care or daycare for pets, and that your business is just what they need for their pet – but can you deliver your message in a way that will have them believing in you, and entrusting your business for their pet’s care?  

Beverly Boy camera crew on set

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Interview video production for the pet grooming & pet boarding industry can help you achieve these important goals allowing you to effectively build an audience of engaged consumers that trust you to care for their pets. With interview videos, you can share your experience, deep dive into your expertise, and provide niche-specific background information paired with visually supporting data that will have your audience coming back over-and-over again to learn more & ultimately trusting in you & your business to care for their pets. Ask Team Beverly Boy how you can use video to build trust in your audience & generate consistent leads for your pet care business.