10 Benefits of Hiring a Jacksonville, Florida production company

At Beverly Boy Productions, our clients know that when they need a reliable Jacksonville, Florida production company, they can trust our crew.  From the great weather to the excellent sites and things to do, it’s a happening city that makes for a great video production location. Here are 10 reasons to hire a Jacksonville, Florida production company:

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  1. Amelia Island

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

This may possibly be one of the most happening islands around yet still one of the most beautiful. With great options for dining, as well as unique museums, if you’re in Jacksonville, you’ll have to take some time to visit Amelia Island. 13 miles of coastline offers visitors plenty of opportunity to enjoy the waves while with over 100 restaurants on the island, you can be sure that you won’t ever go hungry. Whether you’re scouting locations with one of the top production companies in Jacksonville, or just want to see what the fuss is about, Amelia Island is a must-do when you’re in Jacksonville.

  1. Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

Located at the mouth of the Trout River, the Jacksonville Zoo is a fun experience for anyone, young or old. From the unique experiences and events that take place to the amazing abundance of wild animals that live in this large and in charge zoo, it’s both the perfect place for filming any type of brand campaign or digital marketing campaign with a Jacksonville, Florida production company.

  1. Climate

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

Jacksonville can get pretty hot and oppressive, much like other cities in Florida, but it also gets much cooler during the winter. With temperatures ranging between 46-degrees to 90-degrees throughout the year, the climate isn’t always unbearable. The one issue that production companies in Jacksonville may have is the fact that it stays wet almost all year round, so you’ll want to consider this as you plan your project with a local Jacksonville production studio.

  1. Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

The beach is always a good idea but it’s especially a good idea when it’s Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park. This location has everything from sand to relax on and trails for biking or hiking. Gorgeous at any time of the day, morning, noon, or night, Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park may be a great sport for your project with a local Jacksonville, Florida production company.

  1. Big Talbot Island

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

When you need a tranquil setting for simply relaxing or you want to film the best video production in a beautiful natural location, Big Talbot Island State Park is a unique sea island that is easy to get to from Jacksonville but “secluded” enough that you feel like you’ve left civilization far behind. With beautiful fallen cedar trees and live oaks along the coastline and beaches to explore, this is a breathtaking place to be, whether for filming or when taking a break.

  1. Food

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

It may not be New York where you will find the melting pot of all types of cuisine, but Jacksonville does have a lot of options to enjoy. These following spots are only a few of our favorite options in the city.

  1. Taverna offers a large variety of Italian and Spanish dishes, making it a fun experience for those who always love European eats. Plus, they have excellent wines, so it’s the perfect spot for a date night out or when celebrating with friends—like after you finish a big production with a local Jacksonville camera crew.
  2. Orsay is a French Bistro that offers great classic cuisine, as well as some unique southern dishes thrown into the mix. It may sound like a juxtaposition, but somehow this weird menu works. By the way, this is where you’ll find some of the best vegan and gluten-free food in the city.
  3. bb’s is a favorite where you can enjoy anything from simple sandwiches to large entrees made with some of the best seafood around. Don’t forget to check out the delectable desserts offered here as well.

    7. Kingsley Plantation

Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

Reminding us of some of the sadder parts of the history of the south is Kingsley Plantation, where there were originally 1,000 acres of land. The plantation was owned by the Kingsley family for much of the time that it was in use. Located next to the water, the Kingsley Plantation home wasn’t the largest but it certainly was situated on an enviable area of land. Now, you can visit the place on tours or even use it for shooting footage for different types of video productions.

  1. History

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

Settled in the late 18th century, Jacksonville developed quickly throughout the nineteenth century as a  major port for the Navy. With different issues happening from the 20s to the 70s, like the Great Fire and financial problems, Jacksonville slowly returned to “glory days” in the 80s. One of the most important founding fathers of the city was Isaiah D. Hart, who wrote the charter for the local town government.

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  1. Permits

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

When filming on public property, you’ll need to make sure to get a permit. It’s free but it does take more than a week for you to get one. You’ll need to make sure that the Jacksonville, Florida production company you work with has insurance—which we do—and you’ll also want to get the right road closure permits should you need to close off a section for a specific project.

  1. MOSH

    Jacksonville, Florida Production Company

If you’re looking for a unique thing to do in the area or even a unique location to capture footage at with your local Jacksonville production crew, Mosh is the ideal spot for you. With a planetarium for you to explore space from the comfort of being on the ground on planet earth, this museum of science and history is an all-time favorite amongst residents and visitors alike.