What is a Nonlinear Sequence Approach in Film_

What is a Nonlinear Sequence Approach in Film?

The sequence of events that play out as part of your narrative will have a lot to do with how your film is perceived by your audience. The use of linear and nonlinear narrative sequences is common in filmmaking when the filmmaker is looking to achieve a particular outcome. Understanding the difference between linear approaches to narrative and the nonlinear approach is important, but what is a nonlinear sequence approach in film and how does it work?

What is a Nonlinear Sequence?

Mostly referred to as a nonlinear narrative, the nonlinear approach represents a rather disjointed method of sharing the story. Using this approach the filmmaker will share the story out of order.

Often skipping around from one point of the narrative to another. Such that the story seems to jump around.

This narrative technique is used to portray events that are out of order. But to provide a logical progression in the end. The nonlinear sequence approach is sometimes referred to as a disrupted narrative.

Why Use a Nonlinear Sequence in Film?

Why would you not just tell the story from start to finish, first a happened and then b happened and then it happened? There are many reasons for the filmmaker to use a nonlinear sequence.

You might recall this pattern being used in a situation where you see the ending first. And then various different scenes are shown to shed light on how the ending occurred. This nonlinear approach is not generally how a story is written, but it is often how a film unfolds.


Sometimes a story can feel stale if we progress from A to B to C. The linear approach doesn’t always provide the level of excitement. Or underlying anticipation that can come from a nonlinear narrative.

Nonlinear narratives are a great way to hook the viewer in, from the start, and then all you have to do is work on keeping them around.

Throughout film and television the use of nonlinear approaches have been incredibly common.

You might recall them from any of the following techniques that are used to progress the story along:

  • Flashbacks
  • Flashforwards
  • Dimensions
  • Sideways views

In Summation

The nonlinear storytelling approach is a unique way of delivering a captivating and interesting yet fully engaging story for your audience.