Maryland Filming Laws for Film Producers

Maryland Filming Laws for Film Producers

If you’re considering Maryland for a film shoot, you’re going to need to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations before you go. Maryland filming laws are relatively stringent compared to some of the other Atlantic Coast states. Especially when it comes to the rules regarding filming other people without permission. If you’re considering a trip to Maryland for a commercial film shoot? Make sure you’re aware of the following Maryland filming laws before you go.


Maryland’s laws on filming or recording audio without permission are quite strict. In fact, the Maryland Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act states that it is unlawful to record private conversations.

Or to film with audio unless you have permission from all parties involved in the production. Therefore, before you consider filming in Maryland, you need to have release forms ready and signed.


The Federal Animal Welfare Act prevents the use of animals in filmed media from being used in any way that would result in their harm or death.

Say you’re going to be using animals in your filmmaking while shooting in Maryland. You’re going to need to take actions to ensure that the animals remain safe and uninjured.

This means you should take special precaution. Ensure that any of your filmmaking doesn’t veer off course, put animals in undue harm, or otherwise risk the lives of the creatures that you film.


Are you considering a film shoot that will include minors in your production? The laws in Maryland that pertain to child labor are similar to most other major states.

Minors are not permitted to work on the film set if there are hazardous conditions. Or if the child will be subject to any danger.

Additionally, employers such as film producers which intend to have minor talent on set, must be prepared to apply for work permits and seek permission from the minor’s parents or guardians before they bring the minor in for scheduled work. 


Maryland does not require a permit as a whole for filmmakers to shoot commercially in the state. But individual cities of the state will have rules and local laws regarding permitting.

Baltimore, Montgomery, and other major counties are going to require a permit if you intend to shoot in public parks, on streets, along bridges, or elsewhere in which there could be any interruption to the routine actions of the area.