Follow These Video Filming Laws in North Carolina When Filming in Public
As a filmmaker, you’re probably familiar with the individual regulations. With respect to filmmaking as they apply to the city or state in which you live or film most frequently. Most filmmakers accustomed to traveling into other states are equally accustomed to taking steps in advance of the shoot. This is to familiarize themselves with important regulations on filming in that particular city or state. Considering the Tar Heel State for a shoot? Make sure you follow these video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public.

One-Party Consent Law in North Carolina
The one-party consent law in North Carolina represents one of the most prominent rules in regards to filming and recording people in the Tar Heel State.
This law dictates how filmmakers must go about acquiring permission to film others. It basically states that it’s a legally enforceable offense should someone record without permission.
The single party or one-party consent law in North Carolina means that in order for a filmmaker to record footage, there must be consent provided by at least one of the two or more people involved in the communication that has been recorded by the filmmaker.
Therefore, if two people are talking, and a filmmaker wants to film the conversation, the filmmaker must seek to have at least one of the people sign a permission or release form stating that they allow the filmmaker to record the communication that is taking place.
North Carolina Film Permits
As long as you follow these video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public and obtaining proper consent from those involved?
The only other major laws or regulations of importance with regards to filming in public pertain to individual film permitting.
Be Prepared
Want to obtain a North Carolina film permit in line with these video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public? Visit the North Carolina Film Office website or call the office immediately.
As you can see, the video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public primarily surround the need to make sure that you’ve acquired proper signed release forms and permits before you begin shooting.
Just remember that individual laws and regulations by city vary. So you’ll want to check with the city film office wherever you’ll be filming in North Carolina to ensure you’ve covered all your bases before you begin your shoot.
In Summary
Want to obtain a North Carolina film permit in line with these video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public? Visit the North Carolina Film Office website or call the office immediately.
As you can see, the video filming laws in North Carolina when filming in public primarily surround the need to make sure that you’ve acquired proper signed release forms and permits before you begin shooting.
Just remember that individual laws and regulations by city vary. So you’ll want to check with the city film office wherever you’ll be filming in North Carolina to ensure you’ve covered all your bases before you begin your shoot.