Can You Use Copyrighted Music for Non Profit Short Film_

Can You Use Copyrighted Music for Non Profit Short Film?

The use of copyrighted music in a film is certainly a challenge for filmmakers. There are several steps that must be taken in order to obtain the permissions that are required. Producing a short film for a non-profit can present several challenges, and you might be wondering…Can you use copyrighted music for non profit short film projects? This is a question that comes up frequently.


When is a License Required?

Producing a non-profit short film is similar to the production of any short film or even the production of a longer, feature film when it comes to licensing copyrighted music.

You must obtain a license to use copyrighted music in a short film. Whether it’s a film being produced for a non-profit or a for-profit business.

Commercial use of copyrighted music in a film always requires permission from the copyright owners before you can legally use it in the short film. Regardless of whether you’re producing for a non-profit business, or not.

Paying for Licensing

If you’re wondering, “can you use copyrighted music for nonprofit short film projects?” the answer is, only if you have a license.

Paying for a license to use copyrighted music in a short film is important. Depending on the music that you wish to use and its popularity, you might find yourself in a situation that requires you having to invest a bit more than you might like. 

Public Domain and Open Source

If you’re producing a film for a non-profit on a limited budget, you might consider using public domain or open source music that is not copyrighted in the film to save on licensing fees. Another option would be to consider music that is not incredibly popular for your film.

It may not have the same representation or recognition that you would expect from a popular song. But you can get amazing effects from non-copyrighted music or one that will offer a license at low rate. You’ll just have to shop around!

Protect Yourself with a License

If you’re producing a non-profit short film and you’re even considering the use of copyrighted music? You really need to plan in advance and be sure that you’ve got the budget available for a copyright license.

Protecting yourself by obtaining permission to use copyrighted music with the appropriate license that is best for your short film project is advisable. 

The Takeaway

Most of the time, you’ll need a sync license in order to use copyrighted music in a non-profit short film project.

Before you apply for a license, or negotiate with the copyright holders, make sure you speak with your attorney to be sure you’re covering all the bases.

Can you use copyrighted music for non-profit short film projects? Absolutely, as long as you have the proper permissions, and a license, to do so!

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