Powerful Benefits of Police Training Videos

Police training videos represent a growing trend toward delivering specialized training to law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. Training videos are designed to assist officers in understanding and executing a wide range of techniques and specialized behaviors as they learn and grow in the field. The use of video in law enforcement training has several benefits including accuracy in training content delivery, improved engagement and performance monitoring, and flexibility. These are just a few of the powerful benefits of police training videos.

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Apply Real-Life Scenarios 

Training manuals can outline real-life scenarios for police to engage in and learn from, but the amount of reading that would go into defining a situation and painting the picture would likely leave the average officer in the dust. However, a video has the power to quickly deliver visual representations of real-life scenarios that officers can engage with and learn from. The brain is able to process video 60K times faster than it can process written text — 60K times! Not to mention that we retain 95% of what we watch rather than % in reading. 

officer training videos

Maximize ROI

Police training videos deliver training over and over again for a single, upfront cost. For law enforcement agencies that have had their budgets cut time and again, the idea of providing video training rather than paid instructor training is a great way to maximize ROI. Whereas you may have to pay an instructor to come several times per year to train and educate new law enforcement members, a single upfront expense on video training delivers continued ROI indefinitely.

Police training videos

Accuracy & Consistency

The use of police training videos ensures the accuracy and consistency of the training that is delivered. Where hiring an instructor to train officers could result in dramatic changes in the curriculum from one instructor to the next, leaving officers with different approaches or understandings as to how to handle unique situations or procedures, video delivers a consistent training that goes unchanged unless you take the steps to purposely alter it.

Consistency is key


Officers engage in training on their time. Short police training videos that are available for the office to engage in at his or her own discretion provide a level of flexibility that officers really appreciate. Additionally, if an officer feels like he needs added training on a particular subject or to re-train, the video content is readily available at all times for such purposes. Instead of spending countless hours in the classroom, officers can now spend time at their leisure learning as they go.

employee watches training video

These powerful benefits of police training videos are just the beginning. If you’re interested in producing video training for your law enforcement agency, give Beverly Boy Productions a call today.

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