Benefits of Producing Police Scenario Training Videos

The use of scenario-based training sessions has helped many officers to gain skills vital to their performance and safety on the job. Often, officer safety and the risks that occur on the job can be minimized with proper scenario training to help the officers learn in-advance how to perform in a way that is conducive to their safety and to that of their community. Police scenario training videos represent a way to train your squad on-demand while providing quick skills and interactive sessions that help them to engage and learn the necessary maneuvers and skills required for effectiveness at work. 

If you’re not quite convinced that your squad needs police scenario training videos to help them train up to their competition, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of this interactive training opportunity.

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Education that Meets Diverse Training Needs

Police scenario training videos provide an opportunity to deliver an educational experience that meets the unique needs of officers with an array of learning styles. By providing engaging, scenario-based training, officers of all age groups, including Millennials, are met with training that meets their unique desires to learn and accommodates their learning styles — in fact, studies show that although classroom training is still acceptable for officers, most members of Generation X and the Millennial age prefer something a little less formal.

Police training videos

Fast-Paced, Easy to Digest Scenarios 

Traditionally, classroom law enforcement training would take place over several hours or even a few days spent in the classroom. This style of lecture-based training is not very conducive to officers gaining long-term understanding and retention of the content. In fact, police scenario training videos provide condensed, easier to understand content for officers which results in a higher engagement rate and a greater likelihood that the officer will retain the content that they learn and be able to later put it to use in the field.

Videos allow us to deliver scenario-based training in short sessions. Statistically, this type of educational training and delivery for officers is up to 17% more efficient and effective according to a study posted in the Journal of Applied Psychology and mentioned on Police Chief Magazine.

Police scenario training videos are easier for officers to grasp, understand, and put to use in the field.

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Rapid Learning & Complex Topic Delivery in a Fraction of the Time

Police scenario training videos allow you to deliver detailed information on how officers should handle complex scenarios when they work in the field. Agencies that use this form of police training find that when police scenario training videos are viewed together, alone, or with the team supervisor (during a shift or during downtime) maximize training budgets teaching officers in a fraction of the time that traditional classroom training would take.

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Ready to put brief, easy to engage with, and powerfully effective police scenario training videos to work for your agency? Contact Beverly Boy Productions today! We’ll help you get started with a video training system that works best for your needs!

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