How to Land Video Production Jobs in Detroit

Getting hired to work on the film set or in the film industry is a complicated task, especially if you’re looking for an entry level position. This highly competitive market is fierce and unwelcoming at times, but it’s the excitement and ever changing nature of the industry that attracts filmmakers and aspiring producers from all around to get involved. If you’re trying to land video production jobs in Detroit, you’ve got to be committed and prepared to battle the competition.

Detroit, Michigan production company

We’ve got some tips to help you out:

1. Commit to Daily Networking

Networking is a huge part of the film industry and one of the most guaranteed ways to be successful in landing video production jobs in Detroit.

You’ve got to connect and network with anyone and everyone within the Detroit film scene so that you can get your feelers out and begin making a name for yourself. Eventually, someone will bite.

2. Revise Your Resume

If you’ve had the same resume for quite some time, or you’ve not taken the time recently to adjust it and you’re noticing that you’re not getting much feedback or response when sending it out, it may be time for a revision.

If you’re not a great storyteller, or you’re not particularly familiar with the keywords and phrases that job board algorithms are using to deliver resumes to job providers, you might want to hire a professional resume writer to help you out.

3. Share Your Portfolio – Everywhere

Your portfolio is your opportunity to showcase your work and talents. Creative video production jobs in Detroit will almost certainly require you to have a portfolio so if you do not have a portfolio of your past projects and works, now is the time to create it.

You should be sharing your work with anyone that will listen to what you have to say. This is the key to maximizing your exposure and landing a job in the film industry.

4. Provide Volunteer Services

Indie films and low budget films are often seeking people that can provide their services without asking for a large expenditure.

If you’re having trouble landing video production jobs in Detroit, you may have better luck if you expand your list of skills and recent projects as well as your portfolio. Providing volunteer services and free assistance on the film set is one of the best ways to achieve this.

You may even meet someone that has a paid opportunity for you!

5. Stay Consistent & Follow-up

Consistency is important as you try to land video production jobs in Detroit. Your consistency shows that you are dedicated and that you truly want the work that you’re applying for.

If you’ve applied for a position and don’t hear back, follow up. Keep a list of the follow-up communications and actively follow up again later on as well. You may find that a new position opens and that you’re the best fit for the job!