Crowdfunding Video Production Tips for Startups

Crowdfunding campaigns are a growing means of raising capital for startups and existing businesses seeking to add products or services to their mix. Although crowdfunding may feel a little bit like asking for a handout, with the right methods and some persistence, you can raise enough capital to make positive change for your business. Follow these crowdfunding video production tips for startups to get started.

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Focus on Core Values

The success of your crowdfunding campaign is dependent on your ability to prove to your audience that your startup is worth backing. Why does your business need to exist? What benefits will it provide to the community? What core values can you showcase in your crowdfunding video to show that there is purpose behind your campaign?

Once you define why your business is important and should exist, you can begin to develop a story that supports this core value. Structure your script or narrative around the WHY for your business to show others the value of potentially investing in you.

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Capture Attention

The script for your crowdfunding campaign must capture the attention of the audience and make them connect with you. Define the key message points that you wish to deliver and make sure that your script addresses each point. You need to make sure your script:

  • Explains what your product or service is.
  • Explains who you are in a way that encourages the individual to invest in you.
  • The backstory behind your startup.
  • The timeline of your startup growth.
  • Any technology or cutting-edge details about the business.
  • Who your team is.

Keep it Short

This comes up a lot with video content. You want to keep the video short and provide only the details necessary to tell your story. Don’t waste the viewer’s time with unnecessary filler or fluff. If you’re including interviews in the crowdfunding video, make sure that you only include the clips that add true value to the finished project. Crowdfunding videos should not be over 2 minutes in most cases. Very rarely, for highly complex startups, a crowdfunding video can be up to 3 minutes long.

8 Seconds to Hook

You have 8 seconds to hook your audience. If you can’t capture their entire attention in those 8 seconds, you’ve lost them. The first 30 seconds of your crowdfunding video must be intriguing, captivating, engaging, and tell your viewers the central problem and how to solve it. Don’t dive into the fine details until you’ve addressed the core problem.

Create Trust

You are ultimately asking the investor not only to invest in your startup, but mainly to invest in you. Since the startup isn’t developed fully yet when you’re seeking crowdfunding, the real investment is in your ability to bring the startup to success. Your crowdfunding video should address your background in a way that shows your investor why they should invest in you and builds their trust in your skills to bring the startup to success.

These crowdfunding video production tips for startups are a starting point to help you create crowdfunding videos that will generate the capital you need for growth. For help creating a crowdfunding video, call Beverly Boy Productions today.