Tips for Using Employee Induction Video Content to Welcome New Hires

Employe induction video content represents the perfect introduction for new employees, but not just any content or video will do. Sadly, many businesses failed at introducing new employees with their video content — the videos lack a story, don’t showcase the brand for what it truly is, or are oddly uninspiring. These videos will not help your new hires, but they may run them off! With more than 20% of new hires leaving within the first 45 days, often due to incorrect or lack of proper onboarding, you really can’t afford to show your newly hired employees a poor employee induction video. Here’s what you must know.

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Keep it Short & Inspirational

A long, boring employee induction video will not help you or your new hire. Instead of attempting to cram tons of information into a long, drawn-out video that will lose the interest of your employee, consider the value of keeping it short and inspirational. Videos that are short, focused, and to the point will keep your new hire engaged and interested. 

Instead of talking to your new hire, use the video to share a story. Engage the new employee and help them to connect with your company. Employee induction video content that is focused and tells a story will help your new employee to stay connected and engaged, even with a short attention span!

Educate & Entertain

Employee introduction videos are meant to educate the new hire and help them feel confident in their new position — but this means fitting a lot of education into a short, and focused video. If you have too much information to share in the induction, consider breaking it up into multiple segments. This way your new hires will stay focused on each video and can have a break in between. 

Break topics into short, easy to digest videos. Exclude any corporate jargon — this won’t make sense to a new hire that hasn’t been in the field. Now is also not the time to incorporate heavy use of company speak — the viewer doesn’t know the company yet! Remember your audience!

Deliver videos in a linear structure. This way, new hires can learn basics first, and then gradually they can get additional information on more detailed elements. The linear structure also ensures that the employee will have a sense of expectation on what comes up next in the training.

Build-in Interactive Opportunities

Employee induction video content has the power to deliver an interactive experience for your new hire that will keep them satisfied, entertained, and engaged in the content you’re delivering. All of these are necessary for your new hire to actually retain the information that you’re teaching in the new hire induction. Consider building authentic employee experiences and delivering interactive scenarios based training to your new hire. This allows your new employee to engage in scenarios and see how their decisions on the job will impact everything from the customer experience to their own next tasks to the bottom line of the business. 

Incorporate humor and real-life situations for an experience that your newly hired employee will not soon forget. The key here is that employee induction video content that is engaging and that helps them to interact is more likely to be retained long-term.

Ready to create an employee induction video for your newly hired employees? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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