The Power of Personalization in Video

Video has the power to excel in your marketing efforts into the future. If you’re already using video content in your marketing mix, great! If not, why? Consumers love video. Especially personalized video content that speaks directly to them. In fact, personalized video content can increase conversions, boost brand awareness, improve your SEO and drive more sales. We’re showing you the power of personalization in video and how personalized video content can improve your marketing efforts.

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To help you understand just how important video content is to your marketing mix, consider the following stats:

  • More than 80% of all Twitter users report watching video content on the platform.
  • On YouTube, viewers watch more than 500 million hours of video, daily.
  • Nearly half of all internet users look for product or service related videos before they set out to visit the store.

Does personalized video content contribute to these figures? Absolutely! Personalized video content helps your clients to feel connected with your brand.

Marketing to consumers in a more personalized approach that ensures the content you deliver is relevant to their interests has the power to greatly increase conversions for your brand. In fact, personalized video content keeps the relationship between your business and your client feeling more human.

Creating Personalized Video Content

camera crew filming personal marketing video

You might be thinking, “How am I supposed to personalize content to each individual I am trying to sell to? I can’t do that!” However, we’re not talking about personalizing to each individual person. Of course, that would be great if you could pull it off, but it would take a TON of resources that most businesses simply do not have.

What you can do is personalize videos based on factors relative to your audience and the purchase stage they are in. So you personalize content for consumers from a specific buyer persona (if you haven’t created personas yet, do that first!) that is in a specific stage of the purchase cycle.

For Example

You may create video content that targets a persona that is defined as a male college student, who is athletic, works part-time, lives at home with parents, and enjoys sports.

The “persona” already knows about the problem they have and they are in the consideration phase of the buying cycle which means they are considering various products for their need.

Your branded video content should use a style, tone, and story that shows the target persona that your product can solve their problem. The better you can convey this message to this target persona, and the more personalized you can be with it, the greater the engagement will be.

Personalized Videos for Your Target Audience

Video content that is personally relevant to the target audience stands out against content that is not relevant and targeted. Your video content should be useful, add value, and help your target audience feel connected to your brand.

The more you hone in on the individual characteristics of your target audience and their needs, and the more granular you get with personalizing the video content that you deliver at each stage of the purchase cycle, the closer your relationship will be with your customer.

Ready to get started with personalized video content production for your marketing initiatives? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today at 888-462-7808! We’ll put our two decades of experience immediately to work for you and your business.

Check Out This Personalized Video Produced By Beverly Boy Productions for DOVE.