Video Production for the Home Building Industry in Knoxville 

Need Video Production for the Home Building Industry in Knoxville? This industry brings in, annually, over $120 billion and they have over 700,000 employees. With the housing market soaring, and the post-COVID 19 rebound, those numbers will increase for homebuilders. That said, a quality marketing campaign is crucial when you are ready to rise above the competition. Compared to other forms of advertising or marketing, making videos for homebuilders in Knoxville  is something the 400,000+ home building businesses across the U.S should seriously consider. We also service Alcoa, Maryville, Farragut, and Clinton.

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There are many reasons why video is an effective marketing tactic for home building– It allows you to keep current clients while bringing in new ones. We work with home builders of all kinds to create compelling, professional promo and interview videos, and intriguing customer testimonials. Our team shares what your company has to offer to prospective clients and shows off the impact you have on customers. As a result, you reach your various goals much faster.

Promotional Videos for the Home Building Industry

Showing the world what you build is important for bringing in new clients. Promotional Video Production for the Home Building Industry in Knoxville allows you to share your business with potential customers while keeping your current ones happy. Prospective customers see your homes in video and it captures and keeps attention. They can see your value and that will likely return as a paying customer.


Short and engaging videos for home building can help you earn more revenue. They’re effective on TV, on online platforms, in social media, and in email campaigns. The average Internet user spends around two and a half hours on social media every day, and that’s why you should use online video marketing. Promo videos engage viewers, increase client base, and share your homes across your social media outlets.

 Marketing Videos for the Home Building Industry

When over 82% of the Internet consists of video content, it is no wonder that video marketing is so effective. Video production for the home building industry in Knoxville is a great opportunity for your business.

Videos are a top-rated marketing tool that can help your business, regardless if you want to show off your single-unit homes or explain the details of your constructions.

Look at the benefits of video marketing:

      • Promoting the company, goods, or services
      • Making you known as an authority in the industry
      • Boosting brand authenticity , trust, and credibility
      • Influencing purchase choices (90% of customers say video helped them make buying decisions, according to a          piece from Forbes)

This type of marketing offers businesses a way to establish authority in this sector, connect with audiences, and share your homes and services across the world wide web. We also service Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Grainger counties.

Different types of marketing videos can be used for marketing your homes, or even your home building company.

Those are:

     • Listing Videos
     • Interview Videos
     • Live Q&A Sessions
     • Home Buyer Advice Videos
     • Special Offer Videos
     • Neighborhood Videos
     • New Construction Model Video Tours
     • Virtual House Tours

Training Videos for the Home Building Industry

Saving time and money is essential, and companies also need to train employees. From masonry workers to different contractors, you want your business to run smoothly in all facets. Personalized training videos eliminate any major issues that come with traditional training and give business owners more time and money, while also improving outcomes for home building professionals.

Training videos can also:

      • Have a better interaction rate; employees are 75% more likely to engage in video training than other types                  of training
      • Offer more flexibility; an estimated 42% of employees prefer the flexibility of video over other forms of training
      • Have a higher retention rate; people recall upwards of 90% of what they see in a video compared to about 20%          of what they read
      • Make training more effective, reduce training costs, and time spent on training. Each video can be used over              again, and improved comprehension makes videos 83% more effective

Videos are simple ways to engage your home building professionals while keeping training uniform.

Interview Videos for the Home Building Industry

Interview videos aren’t just job applications, but interview videos for the home building industry include effective video marketing tactics. Expert interview videos for the home building industry feature your business leaders, while customer interviews share what your customers think about your business.

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Interviews with experts and clients both increase the credibility of your company and confidence from audiences. While one discusses experiences they had with you, the other discusses perspectives of experts to help customers understand the product or service being offered. In the end, they both offer wisdom and data that influences customers to choose your company over your competitors. Video Production for the Home Building Industry in Knoxville  helps you quickly meet marketing and internal goals