Video Production for the Air Duct Cleaning Services Industry

The air duct cleaning services industry was negatively impacted by COVID-19 closures which would lead to declining business operations and significantly fewer overall appointments for duct and ventilation system cleaning, however revenue is expected to increase over the coming years growing this already massive $478 million dollar industry to new levels. Air duct cleaners work in both commercial & residential establishments to remove dirt and debris from the air conditioning system and duct work but many also provide value-add services including hood cleaning, chimney cleaning, and drain or gutter cleaning as well. To market their businesses and gain leads, video production for the air duct cleaning services industry focuses largely on generating community awareness, increasing leads, and generating more revenue for the business.

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Beverly Boy Productions provides many different video production services that are targeted to professionals in the air duct cleaning services industry. Our expert interview videos are ideal for creating case studies that will drive consumer interest & generate leads for your business. Marketing & promotional videos help you to further build out community interest & gain trust from your key prospects, and video-based training programs can assist in the growth of your AC duct cleaning brand by providing consistent, always-available training that saves you time & money over traditional training options.

Promotional Videos for the Air Duct Cleaning Services Industry

Promotional video production for the air duct cleaning services industry is essential to generating community interest in your sales, services, and key features that are important to driving qualified leads for air conditioning duct work cleaning & services that are going to increase revenue for your business.

Promotional videos do more than just sell your services, though. They can also:

       • Increase landing page conversions by up to 80% or more.
       • Build brand loyalty and boost your audience’s trust.
       • Increase your search engine rankings & improve your organic traffic.
       • Increase your social media reach & shares.

A short, impactful promotional video that represents the story, mission, or key defining factors that make your brand valuable to its target audience can be incredibly beneficial to your business. Videos increase consumer interest in your business & are one of the leading media forms for boosting ROI for air duct cleaning services brands. 

Marketing Videos for the Air Duct Cleaning Services Industry

Many air duct cleaning services businesses wonder if video marketing is really that valuable, or if it can really make a difference in the ROI generated by the business. The reality is, nearly 9 out of 10 marketers admit that video provides a positive ROI for their business.

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In fact, most marketers will agree that video:

        • Will increase website traffic.
        • Will boost lead generation.
        • Will increase organic reach.
        • Will increase sales.
        • Will boost consumer confidence & commitment.
        • Will result in higher ROI & revenue for the brand.

That’s why 85% of businesses are already using marketing videos to help them grow their business to the next level, surpassing the competition & driving consistently higher revenue than they could even have imagined.

Marketing videos will help you put your air duct cleaning business front and center on social media, your website, in your email campaigns, and on third-party websites where your target customer prospects are spending their time making it easier to generate leads & income that is essential for the growth of your business.

Training Videos for the Air Duct Cleaning Services Industry

Air conditioning is essential in many states and in many commercial settings, and the units that run central heat & air are not cheap. When you hire new employees to operate under your air duct cleaning services business, you need to know that they are going to treat your customer with respect, that they will take care of the client’s AC unit without breaking anything, and that they are fully prepared for their role within your industry – in other words, you’ve got to provide training!


Training video production for the air duct cleaning services industry is incredibly valuable to both employees and to the business. As a business owner, you can appreciate the benefit of having done for you training that can be used over and over again with each new hire, and the fact that your video training program will have a single upfront cost for production with no other hidden fees. Each new employee you hire will receive consistent training at no further cost to you.

Training videos also:

       • Make training easily accessible to employees.
       • Allow employees to train at their own pace.
       • Improve training outcomes by making complex concepts easier to understand.
       • Reduce total training times without reducing knowledge delivery.

Air duct cleaning is very much a hands on process, but many of the techniques, tools, and important day-to-day operations that your team needs to know can be taught with video based training programs that are created specifically for your business. 

 Interview Videos for the Air Duct Cleaning Services Industry

For a home or business owner, allowing another business into their property to examine their air conditioning and duct work means putting trust in that business to treat them & their property respectfully & to be safe & secure. You need to build trust among your community and your prospective clients in order to gain access into their home, office, or commercial establishment. 


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Expert interview videos are a great way to build credibility & authority by sharing your experience & expertise with your audience. Consumers will see that you and your key leaders have the niche-specific authenticity that they expect and they’ll be more likely to trust in your business. This is absolutely essential to generating leads & conversions for your air duct cleaning services brand.

Ask Team Beverly Boy about expert video production for the air duct cleaning services industry, and the various other styles of expert video content that we can produce to help you grow your AC ventilation cleaning brand.