Simple Steps to Effective Attorney Branding Videos

Branding yourself as an attorney that can compete in today’s increasingly competitive legal industry can be tough. Now more than ever before, Attorney Branding Videos are a necessary requirement if you wish to stand out against the competition, but producing videos like this almost certainly requires you enlist the support of a professional. If you want your personal brand to stand out against the various other lawyers across the industry, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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Producing powerful Attorney Branding Videos is our specialty. Not only do we know what it takes to successfully produce effective Attorney Branding Videos, but we understand the importance of breaking free from the competition and standing out in a crowd.

If you’re wondering what the steps are to creating Attorney Branding Videos, consider the following:

1. Know Your Audience

Producing a video that’s going to target an audience that is seeking help for a personal injury will be a lot different than producing a video that’s going to target an audience that is looking for a criminal attorney. As an attorney, you must know your audience. This means not only do you need to have a specific niche that is your focus, but that you know who your target audience is, what they like, where they search, and why they are looking for your help.

Knowing your audience will help you to create Attorney Branding Videos that directly resonate with them. This means you’re producing content that will speak to their emotions and connect with them on a more personal level.

2. Plan Your Branding Elements Ahead of Time

Attorney Branding Videos must include your branding. This means you need to plan the elements that are most important to your brand ahead of time. Some of the elements that attorneys are most likely to consider as part of their branding include:

-Your value proposition.

-Your tone of voice.

-Your authority & credibility.

-Your background and education.

-The colors that are relative to your brand.

-Your logo or headshots.

Producing video content that incorporates your own personal branding in is important as this is how your audience is going to recognize your brand when they see the content.

3. Keep it Simple

Attorney Branding Videos are not meant to be overly in-depth. Branded video content is best kept short, succinct and to the point. By keeping your content simple, you limit the risk of your audience getting bored with the video and you increase the likelihood of your content being viewed completely or in its entirety. This is important, especially if you include a call to action towards the end.

4. Feature Your Face

Anytime you can incorporate a direct view of your face in your branding videos you’re saying to your audience, “this is me, I’m here to help!” Featuring your face in your brand videos humanizes your law firm in a way that no other style or type of content is capable of doing. This is very important because consumers that are in need of an attorney are often scared and a helpful face, particularly one that they recognize over time, can make a key difference in whether they call or not.

5. Stay Focused on the Goal

Producing effective Attorney Branding Videos requires that you initiate a goal first. Whether your goal is to increase awareness among your audience or to capture leads of a particular type, staying focused on this goal while you create and distribute the content that directly relates to that goal. Think about your video goals before production, too. This way you can be sure to create videos that directly impact that goal.

If your goal is to generate leads, you’re going to create branded videos that improve audience trust and influence decision making. Likewise, if you’re trying to build awareness around your business, you’re going to create videos that show off your branding and answer questions or otherwise prove your industry authority. Knowing what your goal is will help you to plan your content campaigns.

6. Create a Variety of Videos

Variety is key! Creating a large variety of video content that you can include on your website, and in your social media marketing campaigns, will help you to maximize your effectiveness online. The most effective Attorney Branding Videos are those that use your unique branding, logos, color schemes and tone of voice to deliver the intended message to your audience.

If you’re not sure what types of videos you should be created as part of your library, consider the following:

-Educational videos.

-FAQ interview style videos.

-Industry interview videos.

Explainer videos.

-How-to videos.

-Testimonial videos.

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Creating a library of video content that you can share with your target audience is important to the success of your law firm. Attorney Branding Videos that follow these important tips and incorporate your own hard focus on your audience will be key to growing your law firm online and to increasing audience trust in your brand. To learn more, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!