How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Shreveport Video Production Company?

Do you want to know How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Shreveport Video Production Company? Consider the following information first. Around 68% of consumers have a favorite type of video. How are you going to reach them? Create that video type. It is a short video. Update your existing video marketing content to include it. In order to do this you will need to look into professional Video Production Services in Shreveport. Your first step will then be to decide whether you want high quality, cheap, inexpensive or affordable video production in Shreveport. Whatever type you desire there are many companies available to assist you. 

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Now thinking back to what type of video content you wish to create. We have already said which one the public likes. So social media videos might be more appealing to them. However if you want to achieve a specific purpose maybe a high definition promotional video is right for you. You could also consider a live stream video which could sort of be a combination of both. They can debut a new product as well as appeal to a wider audience. Our production company can assist any Corporation in the following cities: Bossier City, Minden, Ruston, Natchitoches. 

There are numerous Shreveport video companies available to offer assistance. It might take a while to pick one that offers the video production methods you need. Why not skip the fuss and go to the one that has been rated top quality Shreveport video production company.

Shreveport Video Production Rates

 The cost of Production Services, the type video you want to create, the duration of the video and any other extra elements you want added to it. Also the size of the crew you are using, as well as all the equipment. These are just a few of the key factors that are involved in calculating your Shreveport video production rates

Once you hire a video production company in Shreveport to assist you you can then request further information on the type of project you want to create, or you can even ask them to show you previous examples, or help you generate some kind of idea. One type they might show you, corporate explainer videos. That is because these are quite common in the industry because they can answer questions, offer problems and solutions and share any type of general knowledge that the public needs to know. Our company can produce these products and More in any of the counties listed here: Bossier, Caddo, Desoto, Jefferson. 

We mentioned that there are many factors that go into calculating your video production rates in Shreveport. A few of those will be listed below. The video type can range from anything, to a customer or employee testimonial or even explainer videos. The Services used might include scriptwriting, storyboard/animatics, voiceovers, editing/design and audio balancing. The video duration could be a 5-minute video, which might be more expensive, or something cheap and short. The price of a 60 second video for example is going to be very low cost.

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Shreveport Video Production Costs

The difference between per hour prices and half day and full day rates might be confusing to some people, not for a video production company. Years in the industry has given them an intimate knowledge of production prices. When you call for free quotes, ask for assistance with budgeting for your video.

Beverly Boy post production

Shreveport Production company Pricing Sheet:

   • Video rendering: $90/hour to $600/hour
   • Video editors: $110/hour to $120/hour
   • Video director: $70/hour to $320/hour
   • Scriptwriter/marketer: $120/hour to $200/hour
   • Narrators/voiceovers: $240 to $540
   • Audio files: $40 to $4,000 
   • Studio shooting: $91/hour to $540/hour
   • Miscellaneous fees: $400 to $4,000
   • Cameraman: $80/hour to $540/hour
   • Actors/presenters: $100/hour to $640/hour 
   • Equipment: $80/hour to $300/hour 
   • B-roll 40% to 50% addition to shooting costs

Hiring the Right Shreveport Video Company

 Your project has an overall price range. You can usually figure this out after your project has been finished. You want to look at everything that went into creating it. This will include Services, elements, crew members as well as equipment. You can usually base this on the total of completed minutes. This might also help you answer how much does it cost to hire a Shreveport video production company? Our production company is ready to provide services in the following zip codes: 71101, 71102, 71103, 71104, 71105.


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Before beginning on a project the client wants to make sure that they are hiring the Right video company. It might be good to look at your options before you make a selection. If you were looking for a way to stay involved throughout the entirety of your project then you need Beverly Boy Productions. We can extend you an invitation to participate in pre-production, production and post production and share your input on the project. Thankfully professional video production companies offer services like this to put your mind at ease. Hiring the right Shreveport video company is what everyone wants. When you work with us that is what you get.

Different types of video production services:

   • Testimonial videos
   • Corporate videos 
   • Camera crews 
   • B-roll 
   • Event videography
   • Live streaming 
   • Product videos
   • Television broadcast 
   • TV commercial production
   • Internet video production

How much does it cost to hire a Shreveport video production company? You have enough information to make your estimate. Now it is time to start on your actual project. Reach out to us for a Shreveport video production quote. A Team Beverly boy crew member can get that back to you right away. You can also request a rate card should you find yourself stumped by budgeting. You can send in your RFQ or RFP beforehand, this way you will get the information that you need a lot quicker. Whatever you need we want to provide it to you so you feel like you are working with a high quality company.