6 Uses of Law Firm Video Marketing to Generate Clients

Video marketing is one of the leading tactics for generating clients. Especially since video helps to boost online presence, increase traffic, and improve website rankings. Lawyers can use law firm video marketing techniques to generate clients in various ways.

Uses of Law Firm Video Marketing to Generate Clients

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We’re showing you some of the top uses and techniques for attracting clients with legal video content.

Effectiveness of Video

Why use video to grow your legal clients? Video is surprisingly effective. In fact, with video, you can get up to 200% more click-through on your emails and up to 80% higher conversions on your landing pages.

Since 90% of users say that video is helpful in their decision-making process, it’s safe to say a video is a necessary element of the law firm’s marketing process. 

To start using law firm video marketing to generate clients, consider the following uses:

1. Upload YouTube Native Videos

Your law firm video marketing requires more than just a quick creation of a video that you will upload to all of the appropriate channels.

In fact, in order to start generating clients from your legal videos, you’re going to need to create video content for each major social network and upload directly. Start with uploading your video to YouTube.


To get the most out of your YouTube content, make sure that you upload with a unique thumbnail as well as a transcript and appropriately optimized title, description, and subheadings. 

Uses of Law Firm Video Marketing to Generate Clients

2. Embed Video on your Website

Embedding your law firm marketing video on your own website is the next big step to using video to attract clients. Embedding the video on the homepage of your website will help you to rank higher and keep visitors on your site longer.

Websites that do not include video rank up to 50% lower than those that include video. Furthermore, consumers report that they make purchase decisions directly resulting from the videos they see.

If a consumer is seeking legal assistance, and they find your video, they are 70% more likely to call you versus any other lawyer without a video.

3. Upload Video to Facebook Native Videos

Next, you need to upload your law firm video to Facebook as a native video. Facebook ranks Native videos higher in their algorithm than videos that are shared to Facebook from another source. In order to get the most out of your video, you need to upload it to Facebook natively.

Uses of Law Firm Video Marketing to Generate Clients


Video content that is shared on Facebook and other social networks generate up to 1200% more shares than simple text content.

Additionally, Facebook native videos have 10X higher reach than non-native videos that are shared on the site. So, to reach more people and generate more clients, you need to upload your law firm video to Facebook directly.

4. Video in Email

Include your law firm video marketing content in your emails. Emails that include a video have a 300% higher click-through rate than those without video.

Additionally, people are more likely to read emails that include a video. So, for your marketing initiatives that include an email address that you are sending content to, you should always be including a video!


Consider using your video in your email signature. Not all platforms allow the video to be embedded in an email, many do, and it is a great way to deliver your video content to a wider audience. 

5. Video in Relative Profiles

Are you actively working on Avvo or other networks that allow lawyers to answer questions from prospective clients?

Include your video in your Avvo profile or other profiles to relative attorney network sites that you are involved in.

Including your video in your profile adds a layer of humanness to your profile to help prospective clients feel more trusting of you. 

legal video marketing

Get in Touch

Ready to create law firm videos for marketing your firm to more clients? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ll help you create powerful legal videos that guide clients to your firm.