6 Tips to Help You Pitch Your Product with Videos

The use of product videos for marketing is a growing marketing initiative. Social media, websites and landing pages as well as email campaigns all utilize product pitch videos to generate consumer awareness and interest in the products offered by major brands. But did you know that the way you pitch your products plays a key role in the success or failure of your marketing campaigns? Follow along as we show you what it takes to pitch a product with video in a way that will captivate consumer interest and encourage them to purchase from your brand.

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#1 Keep it Short

product pitch video producer

Product pitch videos must be short and succinct in order to capitalize on social traffic and consumer engagement online. A long product pitch will almost certainly fall short of consumer expectations as the average consumer has just 8 seconds or less that they will remain attentive and aware of your message.

When delivering your pitch, keep the total video length under 3 minutes unless you intend to share on your own website and have confirmed consumer interest that stays focused longer than the typical 3 minute duration.

Most product pitches are best served in under 2 minutes and, if sharing on social media, you should consider 1 minute or less to get the details to the consumer.

#2 Deliver the 5 W’s

Who, what, where, when and why. Who are you? What are you asking for? Where will you deliver the content? When will you deliver the content? And Why should the consumer care? As you focus your video on the 5 W’s of product marketing success consider each closely.

You need to quickly deliver the details as to who, what, where, when and why this product is so important or else you risk losing consumer interest.

#3 Show Your Audience

pitched product video

Rather than use wordy descriptions to discuss product values and features, show the audience. The best way to deliver a product pitch that will win consumer interest is to let the product benefits and features do the talking.

Use strong examples of your product against key competitors, share video clips of the product at work, and offer customer testimonials that include visual representation of the consumer using the product to get the most awareness and interest out of your product pitch.

#4 Add a Human Element

While you want to show the product and how it works, don’t be afraid to include a human touch to your video as well. Product pitch videos that include a human element offer consumers a chance to see who is behind the product and to connect more personally with your pitch.

People connect with other people, so a face-to-face view of your key players is a great way to generate interest in your pitch.

#5 Great Audio is Key

If the consumer can’t hear the pitch, you’ve lost interest right away. However, you must also consider the fact that some product pitches will be viewed via social media where video is frequently watched without the volume turned up.

Therefore, you must deliver your product pitch with great audio for those who will listen as well as subtitles or captions for those who view via social or other means. Make sure your video delivers the key content in a way that visually is understandable with or without the volume.

#6 Catch them with the Opening

The opening line and first few seconds of your product pitch will make or break the success of your product content. If you can catch consumer interest early on, you’ve done a great job!

Consider the elements of surprise or engagement that will evoke the most interaction and attention from your consumer putting the product details up front and center. A straightforward pitch is a successful pitch.