How to Host an Online Conference

Does the idea of hosting an online conference have you excited but you’re not quite sure as to the steps you should take to get started? If you’re wondering how to host an online conference between your employees, top executives, your friend’s group, or attendees, we’ve got you covered! Follow these quick tips for success when hosting a virtual, online conference to bring the audience’s attention to your brand. 

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Step 1: Plan the Online Conference Event


The first step to hosting an online conference is to plan the event. Who will attend? Who will speak? What is the goal? What are the objectives? You’ll need to nail down each of these key objectives and details prior to reaching out to prospective guest speakers and, also prior to reaching out to potential attendees. 

Additional considerations in planning your online conference include:

● What you will charge for the event.

● What you will talk about in the event. What is the theme?

● How your attendees will benefit from attending your event.

● How long the event will last.

● How many keynote speakers or guest speakers you will have.

● Whether each day of the event will be a full day, partial day, or just a few hours.

Step 2: Choose Your Technology

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Once you’ve planned the online conference details, you need to begin planning your technology. You’ll need several technology items in order to successfully host an online conference. As you learn how to host an online conference, don’t be surprised if you decide on additional tech items to incorporate in as well. 

Consider the following:

● A website or minisite to host the online conference event details.

● An email service provider to create email marketing campaigns for the event.

● A payment platform for the conference event. Will you accept Paypal, Stripe, or some other form of payment?

● Video platforms and other video services. Will you use Zoom, Webex, or some other form of live video?

● Interactive options such as contests on social media, web polls, and live Q&A sessions.

● Webinar technology and other forms of a virtual conference or online conference technology.

Step 3: Host Your Online Conference

virtual conference

Once you’ve planned your online conference, pulled together your guest speakers and your attendees, defined your technology needs and everything is in order, it’s time to host your online conference. Hosting your conference will be the highlight of the entire process. Now that you know how to host an online conference, you should find this part to be most exciting.

A virtual conference or online conference event will often be hosted by a professional that works with the business to deliver exceptional results without any major hiccups or distractions. If you’re feeling like there are too many variables that go into planning, executing, and actually learning how to host an online conference, you’re not alone!

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today to learn more about how to host an online conference and to get started with the various technical elements and needs of online conference hosting. You’ll be so happy you called!