What is Augmented Reality Camera Tracking and How Does it Work?

Augmented graphics have evolved over the past several years and come a long way. In fact, today, the real world and the virtual worlds almost blend together as one major show. Camera tracking allows filmmakers to produce photo-realistic virtual graphics that can pinpoint even the finest details and most pristine elements in real-time to interact with talent more naturally than ever before. Technology today allows a presenter to interact alongside a graphic as if it were real and it’s all thanks to augmented reality graphics.

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What is Augmented Reality Camera Tracking?

augmented reality editing

Augmented reality camera tracking involves the use of technology that can blend with digital content to produce high-precision augmented reality overlays that simulate the real world.

Graphics from augmented reality can be immersed in a real-world scenario or environment so that the audience would have a difficult time deciphering what is real and what is fake. Thus, the two worlds are essentially blended seamlessly as one.

Real-time camera tracking allows subjects to interact in ways that were never before possible without extensive after-production special effects. The result is a virtual experience that truly captivates the audience and allows for intense real-world effects in lighting, color, intensity, and design to work alongside graphics that match the reality.

How Does Augmented Reality Work?

Augmented Reality involves the use of a camera tracking device that uses a lightweight sensor bar to provide essential position tracking.

The tracking and lens information, as well as any distortions, are tracked alongside natural environmental features that allow the camera to easily shift from one view to the next, inside or outside, all while it generates a constant stream of positional information through a feed that renders essential graphics in real-time.

Camera tracking devices can be positioned in seconds to begin capturing positions and producing augmented reality shots in no time.

Many Tracking Options

Various augmented reality camera tracking devices exist and can be used to produce the graphics and video that intertwine in a way that make it virtually impossible to decipher which is real and which is not.

A compact tracker is ideal in most cases as it allows for a minimal footprint of the camera and equipment. The most essential feature of this equipment is its ability to capture data that results in the most accurate calibration and detailed graphics in the video.

Augmented reality camera tracking can be used to zoom through various scenes and update tracking data that details the realistic world to be modified with graphics into a virtual world. The value of your lens plays a key role in how well your augmented reality footage comes out.

For more information about augmented reality camera tracking and how it works, contact Beverly Boy Productions today at 888-462-7808.